Power Kite Forum

got the gear now how to haul it?

airin - 25-10-2009 at 03:19 PM

I'm managed to assemble a basic buggy kit which includes a nice range of kites to learn to buggy with, plus a soon-to-arrive npw as well as a few kites to play with that my kind kiting friends have loaned me and of course my helmet, as well as gloves, kite stakes, a few tools, water bottle... etc. This gear is gathering in ever expanding heap in my den and is now being toted about in a couple or rather overstuffed duffle bags.

So what do you guys recommend as an affordable and functional kite bag for the purpose of hauling power kites and associated goodies from home to playground? And bearing in mind that I am a 5"4' woman who is not likely to be of a suitable size or personality to be hauling said gear in a goalie's hockey bag, for instance.

Maven454 - 25-10-2009 at 03:26 PM

I think most of us just haul stuff around in it's individual bags...

Todd - 25-10-2009 at 03:32 PM

I really like my Peter Lynn Gear Pack Pro, you can get a ton of stuff in there.

shehatesmyhobbies - 25-10-2009 at 03:34 PM

What you really need is a small pickup with a locking toolbox on the back. Works great and they are always with you! That's how I roll! Well except for my buggy which is now wider than my truck, that I have to grab when I need it!

I know it is a lot cheaper to buy a bag, but what the heck I had to chime in!

dave brown - 25-10-2009 at 03:49 PM

I have all my foils in stuff sacks
I can fit 4 foils with all the extras I need in one regular sized duffel.

The key is to leave all the oversized kite backpacks at home.

indigo_wolf - 25-10-2009 at 04:29 PM

B.A.D (Best American Duffel) Bag. I bought two when I went to Ireland a few years back. One is still used for luggage, one (the larger one) is for kites.

I forget the exact size they are within their product totem,pole, but at this point I would get a third one rather than just replacing with a larger one due to weight when fully loaded.

Main compartment, side pockets on the inside and outside for smaller items.

Over the years, both I and the baggage handlers from various airline and train companies have beaten the bejeezus out of them, but they are fairly fatalistic about the whole thing. Built to fairly post-apocalyptic specs. A bit on the spendy side, but...


Bladerunner - 25-10-2009 at 04:35 PM

I think the Peter Lynn Gear Pac is the one also. Check out Rip's. If you like it , he can order one. If you aren't careful He'll give it to you ! :smug:

lynx69 - 25-10-2009 at 04:37 PM

I bought a Reebok hockey gear bag with rolling wheels from a local sporting goods store ($59.00USD) Cool thing is I can put my landboard, all my safety gear, 2 kites and still be under 50lbs. to meet airline checkin luggage requirements when I fly to Florida or Las Vegas.

slk-jockey - 25-10-2009 at 07:06 PM

I would look into a inexpensive golf travel bag. They come with wheels and have plenty of room. as for use on airlines they don't charge extra (at least last time I used mine thet did not).

lad - 25-10-2009 at 07:45 PM

Saw these at a kite festival and just ordered one - they're BIG! (and cheap!)

Gomberg Wonder Duffle Bag

"Wonder Bags: Our big duffels are big enough to hold just about anything! These big kite duffels are a huge 40 inches long. They hold a full-size Peter Lynn giant, a disassembled buggy, or enough assorted kites, laundry, and line that you easily go over the airline weight restrictions. And now we see that they will even hold your wife!

Wonder Bags are absolutely the biggest bags the airlines allow. Your price?? Just -- $25! (Wife not included.)"

Jolt - 25-10-2009 at 08:48 PM

Hows about a luggage bag that you'd take through airports?

Should be able to fit quite a few foils in there. Plus it has wheels...

WIllardTheGrey - 25-10-2009 at 11:41 PM

I wouldn't get one with wheels if your going to the beach much, small cheap wheels and sand don't get along very well.
For bags I go with army surplus, works great and is super cheap so long as you don't mind OD and camo.
cheap small for one or two kites.
cheap big bag for everything

rocfighter - 26-10-2009 at 05:52 AM

Hey Lad did you know that is how Dave can afford to take Sue to all the kite fests all over the world?
HA HA sorry Dave just had to say it!:D

acampbell - 26-10-2009 at 06:10 AM

Use your buggy as your sherpa. Get some bungees with hooks to lash things on the buggy and get or make a tow leash. Mine even goes up and down a considerable flight of stairs to and from the beach.

ragden - 26-10-2009 at 06:11 AM

I just throw my kites in their original bags into my trunk. Dissambled buggy also fits in my trunk. When I walk down to the beach, I stack the kites in the buggy, and drag the whole thing down... Worked so far. :)

BeamerBob - 26-10-2009 at 06:57 AM

I have a duffel bag that I put all my fixed bridle kites in. It has my helmet in one end pocket and the kite stakes in the other end. The middle front pocket is for wind meter and other little nick nacks that I might need. That is the one to put the car keys in every time. You'd be amazed at how many different places you have to look if you don't remember which zipper you put the keys in. :embarrased:

Since the arcs are so much larger, they just stay in their own bag and aren't double bagged like the fixed bridles.

airin - 26-10-2009 at 11:41 AM

Lots of good ideas here - thanks guys!

Jolt - 26-10-2009 at 12:31 PM

hows about those luggage trolley things, where you can pack a giant bag onto it...

its got larger wheels onit, and im sure you can easily modify the wheels on them.

DirtDave1 - 2-11-2009 at 10:33 AM

made to carry a board and gear, but its huge.

indigo_wolf - 2-11-2009 at 10:57 AM


Originally posted by Jolt
hows about those luggage trolley things, where you can pack a giant bag onto it...

The Wesco units will work fine on grass without any wheel mods. Will carry several duffels, probably the Sherpa bag (haven't tried it), several smaller bags, and at least one standard (6 foot) kite bag for dual-line kites.

Weight limit is between 75lbs to 440 lbs... at which point you seriously need to be rethinking the inclusion of the kitchen sink. :o :no: :puzzled: Tolerance to abuse is fairly high... rain, mud, sleet, slush, salt and all manner of things that would have long ago gotten you cited by the branch of the ASPCA that protects sleigh dogs.

If you are going to be playing in the sand, best to look to the Wheeleez catalog, although you lose a bit of weight capacity (77-165lbs unless you want to spend some serious cash).


WELDNGOD - 2-11-2009 at 11:05 AM

I believe Airin already has a wheeled device(kite buggy), so what she needs is a easy to handle bag.And that depends on how much you stuff in it.
just get a large gym/ duffle bag put kites and gear in it. Set it in buggy seat, tow to beach. That's how we roll down here,Todd can verify that I got a hump ,to get to my site.
Unless you can teleport, that is the easiest way.

lad - 3-11-2009 at 08:41 AM

I just got my Gomberg Wonder Duffle Bag in - it is one big, heavy duty bag for the price!
Dunno if I could fit my whole disassembled buggy into it (esp. w/ the extra wide tires - not that I'd ever fully disassemble it anyway!).
But, you could certainly pack a lot of other beach gear into it and carry it comfortably!

indigo_wolf - 3-11-2009 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by lad
I just got my Gomberg Wonder Duffle Bag in - it is one big, heavy duty bag for the price!

Thank goodness, David refrained from going with the "other" ad campaign. ;)


Jolt - 3-11-2009 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by indigo_wolf

Originally posted by Jolt
hows about those luggage trolley things, where you can pack a giant bag onto it...

The Wesco units will work fine on grass without any wheel mods. Will carry several duffels, probably the Sherpa bag (haven't tried it), several smaller bags, and at least one standard (6 foot) kite bag for dual-line kites.

Weight limit is between 75lbs to 440 lbs... at which point you seriously need to be rethinking the inclusion of the kitchen sink. :o :no: :puzzled: Tolerance to abuse is fairly high... rain, mud, sleet, slush, salt and all manner of things that would have long ago gotten you cited by the branch of the ASPCA that protects sleigh dogs.

If you are going to be playing in the sand, best to look to the Wheeleez catalog, although you lose a bit of weight capacity (77-165lbs unless you want to spend some serious cash).


Over 165 lbs? idk if any kite gear will weigh much more than that :/... maybe a heavy duty buggy rig, but even that i dont think will weigh over 100lbs... so that sounds like a win.

indigo_wolf - 3-11-2009 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Jolt
Over 165 lbs? idk if any kite gear will weigh much more than that :/...

But... but... but.... you forgot the kitchen sink. You know how important it is to stay hydrated ! ;)

Semi-seriously... I would prefer to be at the light end of something's weight capacity, rather than wondering if that's the axle that's squealing in pain. Who knows what the return trip is going to tally out to in wet/sand filled foils. Some days, perfect paranoia is just perfect awareness. :rolleyes:


Jolt - 4-11-2009 at 01:53 PM

Crap, i knew i was forgetting something...

WELDNGOD - 4-11-2009 at 03:50 PM

or.... maybe you want to haul it while kite buggying. I built somethin for that too.

1025091346a.jpg - 153kB

airin - 4-11-2009 at 04:16 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
or.... maybe you want to haul it while kite buggying. I built somethin for that too.

Hah, now you're talking!

WELDNGOD - 4-11-2009 at 04:18 PM

need one? u2u me.:ninja:

Tonka - 9-11-2009 at 05:54 PM

Airin have WellNGod mod that set up to hook up to your trike!!! then you can pedal your butt to the beach with the buggy and gear in tow!!!:lol:

Kamikuza - 9-11-2009 at 06:40 PM

... I took the wheels off my landboard and put it inside my snowboard bag - just. Got it on the plane without any questions asked or extra fees paid.
For day-to-day hauling, I use the bags things came it and lob them in the back of my car.
I had to buy a new car when I got the Kitewing though :D it was too long to fit anywhere but down the front seat of my old Pajero Mini and the wife wouldn't travel with me, so I bought a Toyota Caldina - which will fit all my boards and kites. Although now I got the Square One it's a bit of a tight fit ...

Hockey gear bag ... good idea ...

Todd - 9-11-2009 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
or.... maybe you want to haul it while kite buggying. I built somethin for that too.

That thing is PimP! I have some ideas on a filming tow.. something that I can sit in either direction to film for a bit. Hmmm.

WELDNGOD - 9-11-2009 at 06:46 PM


WELDNGOD - 9-11-2009 at 06:47 PM

bump bump

WELDNGOD - 9-11-2009 at 06:58 PM

you like?