Power Kite Forum

flexifoil sting 1.2 pricing

kitejumper - 26-10-2009 at 06:01 PM

is 76 dollars a good price for this kite? its brand new and comes with bar and lines........

kitejumper - 26-10-2009 at 06:56 PM


dylanj423 - 26-10-2009 at 07:48 PM

good price, yes, but it wont suffice for a "power kite"... trainer at best

kitejumper - 27-10-2009 at 06:18 AM

yea, i know--i just want something to fly when the winds are nuking

B-Roc - 27-10-2009 at 06:21 AM

That's a very good price. I believe I paid around $170 for my son's complete with lines and handles.

WELDNGOD - 27-10-2009 at 07:15 AM

:thumbup::thumbup: good trainer/ fun high wind kite really fast in20+ wind

burritobandit - 27-10-2009 at 07:21 AM

I've got one and paid around that. It's definitely a fun kite when the winds are nuts. I haven't tried buggying with it or anything, I just flew it static and whipped it around.

indigo_wolf - 27-10-2009 at 07:50 AM

Just so you know, and as it hasn't been mentioned before.

The Sting 1.2 on a Bar is a dual-line.

If you get the Sting 1.2 on Handles (quad), you can always swap it to any lightweight 4 line bar and back again.

If the fields are empty, you might find longer lines more interesting.

At 20+mph ground recoveries are stupid simple (even with 2 lines). At 30+mph, the Sting is a spring spaniel on a coffee I.V., wanting to loft NOW.

It's a pretty good deal. The absolute cheapest I have seen a new Sting 1.2 go for is the Handles version at $81 shipped.


furbowski - 27-10-2009 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by indigo_wolf

If the fields are empty, you might find longer lines more interesting.


I've found 35-40m good on my 1.7 in high winds, but you have to use lighter lines (no 300# plus -- used 600# kite surfer lines once and it was flyable but the line drag was too much for the brakes really)

the kite moves FAST at those speeds, long lines both slow it down and widen the wind window, making it much more manageable.

i think i paid 70 quid for mine two years ago...

indigo_wolf - 27-10-2009 at 02:11 PM

Yeah.... the length was to extend the window and give the Sting some running room. When the fields are that empty, the concern about edging someone of out of the sky evaporates.

600# ?!?! What did your Sting ever do to you?!?. That's a bit like putting an anchor chain on a chiuaua. :wow: :puzzled:

