Originally posted by sp4cem0nkey
Thanks, rip.
So, I am seeing sub windrange and trim strap adjustment as potential causes for many of my problems...
What do you mean by "too much trim"? Does that mean too much tension on the front lines or too little? When I launch, I pull the trim strap all the
way in - I believe this has the effect of increasing tension on the front lines relative to the rear ones. After launch, I have played with different
settings, but I took the repeated luffing as a sign that I should keep the strap trimmed in all or most of the way to avoid this.
I set my VPC up to connect the rear lines to the last or second to last knot. Towards the end that the manual says gives the least power and best
low-wind performance. Likewise, the strap inside the deflate zipper is completely loose. Also the straps inside the inflate zippers are 90% loose
and balanced. I'll double check the length of my lines. |