Power Kite Forum

06 Best Waroo 9M

soccerflyer - 2-11-2009 at 08:50 PM

Well, I'm not qualified to give a for real review. But I had a BLASTY BLAST flying one last Sunday!!

A guy from around here had a couple Waroos for sale and said he would let me try it out if I was interested. So I took him up on the offer.

I went out to a lake that they ( about 10 guys) kiteboard on. There were already two guys there kiteboarding. It was awesome. They had 13M Waroos. The winds were about 15-20. Then the guy showed up that had the ones I was interested in. He showed me how to unroll it out and blow it up and get the lines all set up and then helped me launch it. I barely fit into his medium harness. I had to let it ALL the way out.

Well, once I got the kite in the air it was very overwhelming at first. My head knew what to do but getting to connection from my head to my hands with the right reactions took a while. This was my first experience ever with a depower kite. With any kite sides my two Pansh kites. It was his 9M Warroo I flew. After flying it for a while I started to get it. Then he started to show me how to do some hops. I did several 1-3 foot hops. It was AWESOME!!!! It was everything I had dreamed it to be. It was so smooth and easy.

Then once I had been doing that for a while another guy from the group was taking a break from kitesurfing and he came over and said here send if further down the side and now bring it back to zenith quickly - now pull in on that bar hard . . . . then he looked at me and smirked and said now . . hold on. I launched. In seconds I was high in the air. I didn't realize how high I was cause I was just paying attention to the bar and kite I wasn't looking down. I came back down softly. He laughed and said how was that? I was like cool. He says you probably got 7 foot of air on that one. I was like - WHAT?!?! Then he said ya I had to grab your ankle to keep you from flying away. Then I realized I had felt him grab my ankle and not even put 2 and 2 together. Then I got the rush!! LOL

Then one of the guys busted out his landboard and started showing me the basics of landboarding. I even boarded in small 10-20 foot spurts. It was awesome!!

So needless to say I had a blast. I of course bought the kite from him. I got a good deal I think. I got the kite with bar and lines and bag and pump for $350. Now I just need a harness and a board - oh ya - and a helmet.

I don't have much to compare it to, but the waroo was a blast and easy to fly. It even stayed in the air when I bit it a couple times. I never crashed the kite.

They guy laughed and said well you'll never fly your foils again!! I think he's right. :smilegrin:

burritobandit - 2-11-2009 at 09:38 PM

Nice! Fly as much as you can to learn what the kite does, how it reacts, and to learn flying by feel. Practicing in shallow water will help take the edge off mistakes.

Try to have those experienced guys show you how to self launch, self land, and water relaunch your kite.

Houston AirHead - 3-11-2009 at 07:33 AM

thats awesome, i too made the leap from pansh to LEI. yeah i didnt have a board for about 2 months afer i got my depower, so i was always flying static, i didnt even have a harness so i used a thick climbing belt, i dont advise doing that in anything but sub-10mph with a small kite. like burritobandit said.........

which is probably the smartest thing you could do instead of going right from kite to water or landboard ect, learn how it flys. i had my LEI mastered in about one week flying static, im talking i could fly it like a stunt kite. figuring out how much energy it makes flying it through certain parts of the window,learn how much your body weight effects the kite ect...,i leaned to self launch and self land with the ground stake/anchor mehod. Youtube has tons of LEI instructionals. they help imensly. fly fly fly eat sleep, then fly some more

Bladerunner - 3-11-2009 at 07:53 AM

$350 with bar and lines was a good deal. The bar is the trick. Warroos are often a great deal but kite only. Now you are set to take advantage of a kite only deal.

Stick with those folks you just met. They sound like the best thing possible for you.

f0rgiv3n - 3-11-2009 at 08:12 AM

:bigok: Awwwwwesome dude! That's great to hear! Cool review and thanks for sharing. I agree, you'll progress really fast if you keep hangin' out with the experienced kiters.

Jovver - 3-11-2009 at 05:09 PM

Very cool! Glad to hear you finally got a depower and that you are finding it so easy to fly! Now you can play with the big kids! ;-)

soccerflyer - 3-11-2009 at 05:47 PM

Ya, now that I have a set up I am gonna try to fly every chance I get!!! I enjoy flying static. I plan to take it out and just fly the tar at it. Fly it till I master it and can do some decent floaty jumps. Then maybe for Christmas I'll add a landboard. Thanks for the encouragement guys this forum is the BEST!!!

snobdr - 3-11-2009 at 06:24 PM

Soccer just be aware that the 06/07 best waroos would sometimes catch and hang on the front lines when the safety is activated making you have to ditch the kite completely IE bye bye kite. Happened to a friend. Just have your buds go over the primary and secondary safetys with you.

soccerflyer - 3-11-2009 at 07:54 PM

Thanks for the heads up snobdr. I'll check into it. I have heard (on this forum) lots of trash about the 06 Waroos but the guy who showed it to me said he loved it. He takes good care of his kites and I intend to do the same.

But I will ask more about the safeties . . . . . .

power - 1-1-2010 at 10:13 PM

@Soccerflyer-How you gotten any more flying in with it? How do you like the lift? How about relaunch?

jbt - 16-12-2010 at 03:14 AM

Hook your leash from your spreader bar to your o #@%$#! line. that way when you release the chicken loop it will flag out the kite.