thelaserman - 3-11-2009 at 11:13 PM
so i just scored a near new speed 2 deluxe it was 3 months old with only 15 hrs. just came in the mail unrolled it today, kite is mint, absolutly
perfect. the bar on the other hand kind of crappy. first the black plastic piece on top of the Quick release where the lines go through, is cracked
and chewed up.
second and more annoying on the bar where flysufer is written, the letters are falling out, a few are missing and the others are about to. The whole
grip in that area is not really stuck to the bar.
any ideas on what to use to reglue?
rocfighter - 4-11-2009 at 05:46 AM
This would depend on what it's all made of. But Loc-tight corp. makes a great series of adhesives and glues. And I am sure one of them will work in
your case. And most can be found in any department or home repaire stores.
Good luck, Dave
Houston AirHead - 4-11-2009 at 10:43 AM
my LF bar started peeling away, I stopped at acadmey and bought some tennis racket tape. Stuff is great
cheezycheese - 4-11-2009 at 05:50 PM
Barge-rubber cement would probably do well. has a hi-tack. can be purchased at most art supply stores.
xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 10:29 PM
Hockey tape would also work well, a lot of grip, also tennis grip tape, that's good stuff(cheap too)