Power Kite Forum

Broke my #*@#&! wrist!

sp4cem0nkey - 5-11-2009 at 04:22 PM

Well I was really looking forward to the 2009 DBBB being my 1st power kite event, but alas, it was not to be. I broke my wrist on my left arm last night while attempting a baby-sized jump on a downhill run with my MBS ATB. I was trying to do a bunny hop at the apex of a small bump in the grass, but instead managed to pitch myself forward and land on my wrist. Now, I won't be able to fly at DBBB, and I won't be able to go on my first snowboarding trip, planned for Dec 5-9. Oh... and I'll need surgery to get my range of motion restored too. :(

I won't be flying for at least a month I figure, so if you're in the Austin area and want to borrow one of my kites, now would be the time to ask. :)

lad - 5-11-2009 at 04:41 PM

Ah jeesh, bummer! I hope you don't have to get metal implants like some of the bionic crew here. I guess I now should think about adding on my Rollerblade wrist guards even when I'm only on grassy fields! :no:

action jackson - 5-11-2009 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by lad
Ah jeesh, bummer! I hope you don't have to get metal implants like some of the bionic crew here. :

sp4cem0nkey - 5-11-2009 at 04:47 PM

Yup. A small metal plate w/ screws will be implanted. Oh, and get this. I was wearing Hillbilly wrist guard gloves! I think they are ineffective for the type of fall where your arm gets pinned under you when you land. I don't think I would have gotten hurt if I was flying a kite at the time, cuz my arms would have been in a different position. Just adds to my belief that downhill mountain boarduing is more dangerous than kite ATB.

Houston AirHead - 5-11-2009 at 05:20 PM

that sucks man, i know the feeling. injuries have that magical power to really bring us back down to earth.

get better quick man, and remember ibuprofin goes a long way with dealing with the pain so dont polish off that bottle of pain meds, acetaminophen is horrible for the liver

Kamikuza - 5-11-2009 at 06:25 PM

Hey welcome to the club ... I mean, We are the Borg you will be assimilated resistance is futile. Beep beep.

Sorry to hear that dude :( not something I'd want to go through again either. I wouldn't be looking forward to surgery either ...

Wrist guards are designed for taking some of the shock of falling forwards onto the wrists and work pretty good at that ... they also slide a bit on concrete etc so more of the force is shifted away from the bone.
In your case, there's nothing the guard could have done :( just bad luck, like me with a beach that angles up at 45 degrees :ticking:

... must have been the meds, but when I was in hospital I had a real hard time of NOT grabbing the nurses asses :D

Thanks for the support, guys!

sp4cem0nkey - 5-11-2009 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
... must have been the meds, but when I was in hospital I had a real hard time of NOT grabbing the nurses asses :D


Broke my same hand in a different place 3 yrs ago. Had to temporarily pin my bones in place that time. I think I had a vision upon coming down from the morphine. :wee:
At least I'll get some wicked pain killers out of this! ;)

BigMikesKites - 5-11-2009 at 09:16 PM

I was looking forward to meeting you! Bummer. Maybe come down for some food and drinks?

centex_buggier - 5-11-2009 at 09:18 PM

Sorry to hear you're out for DBBB and will be recovering instead.
I always thought the buggy was safer, but some people have proven me wrong. :rolleyes:

PHREERIDER - 6-11-2009 at 06:17 AM

OUCH! you'll come back stronger. be patient.

Jovver - 6-11-2009 at 06:43 AM

Sorry to hear the unfortunate news sp4cem0nkey, you know if you're really good, you can fly that Synergy one handed, just park and ride?!?... problem solved??? :bouncy:

soccerflyer - 6-11-2009 at 08:19 AM

Man, sorry to hear about your wrist . . . . that SUCKS!!! Heal up fast so you can give that Ace a go!!! :Ange09:

acampbell - 6-11-2009 at 08:35 AM

Ouch. Sorry to hear this. Heal fast and be well. Maybe NABX or JIBE?
All the best.

jeech - 6-11-2009 at 11:07 AM

Sorry to hear about your wrist man, get on the recovery quickly!

BeamerBob - 6-11-2009 at 11:20 AM

Take care of it and don't rush the healing. Only heal once.

sp4cem0nkey - 6-11-2009 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Akulakat
I was looking forward to meeting you! Bummer. Maybe come down for some food and drinks?

It looks like I'll be doing Thanksgiving dinner with my wife's family in Plano now. I don't know how long we'll be there, but I might be able to make it down there that Saturday or Sunday. It would be nice to meet more kiters IRL! :)

Originally posted by centex_buggier
I always thought the buggy was safer, but some people have proven me wrong. :rolleyes:

I dunno, Steve. You try taking your buggy down a steep hill without a kite or brakes and tell me how safe it is then! ;)

Originally posted by Jovver
Sorry to hear the unfortunate news sp4cem0nkey, you know if you're really good, you can fly that Synergy one handed, just park and ride?!?... problem solved??? :bouncy:

Heh, I wish I was that good! I've also considered riding my ATB downhill goofy, so I can catch myself with my good right hand in case I fall. That's prolly not a good idea either. :o

jeech - 6-11-2009 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Houston AirHead
that sucks man, i know the feeling. injuries have that magical power to really bring us back down to earth.

get better quick man, and remember ibuprofin goes a long way with dealing with the pain so dont polish off that bottle of pain meds, acetaminophen is horrible for the liver

I don't know if magical is the right word. I'd say more like evil power...