Power Kite Forum

Starting out, looking at HQ

jeech - 6-11-2009 at 11:27 AM

Hey guys, I'm new to traction kiting and I have two kites I'm looking at for my first true traction kite, the HQ Rush 300 Pro and the HQ Beamer IV 3.0. I'm looking to do a lot of stuff with power kites, so I'm not really sure which I should start with. I wanna landboard and buggy first, and then get into kite surfing. anyone have some wisdom? And more than that, does anyone have one of these or something you think would be good for me to borrow for a bit?

BeamerBob - 6-11-2009 at 11:31 AM

You can't go wrong with that 3m Beamer IV. It is the right size to teach you to respect the power of the wind but not carry you off in reasonable winds either. It is stable, well made and a blast to fly. It will be fun to fly years from now when you have a higher wind day in the buggy as well. Learning your 4 line skills with handles will teach you more about kite flying than a bar as well. You'll adapt to a bar easily enough later when you try depower.

B-Roc - 6-11-2009 at 02:54 PM

If you are going with a fixed bridle kite (and both of those are) I'd for for the one with handles every time (Beamer).

vwbrian - 6-11-2009 at 05:00 PM

4 line beamer over the rush.

Maven454 - 6-11-2009 at 05:04 PM

I'm not a big fan of the Beamers (personal preference, nothing wrong with them), but I'd definitely go with the Beamer over the Rush.

DAKITEZ - 6-11-2009 at 05:58 PM

+1 for the beamer over the rush

jeech - 7-11-2009 at 12:45 PM

looks like its a resounding "beamer." I guess my next question would be, is 4m too much to start on (I'm borrowing a 2m Beamer right now) or would it be alright. I know its silly but I just hate yellow. :embarrased: I'd definitely get the 3m if they made it in green, orange or blue lol.

Maven454 - 7-11-2009 at 01:15 PM

As long as you have a reasonable amount of practice on the 2m, the 4m probably wouldn't kill you.

BigMikesKites - 7-11-2009 at 08:33 PM

Beamers' are great kites. A Peter Lynn Hornet would also fill the spot. i'm with you on the colors. I've flown all the Beamers and the yellow 3m was my least favorite color. But as a kite it was pretty nice.

acampbell - 8-11-2009 at 05:26 AM

Those who buy a power kite based on color preference usually gets disappointed in one way or another...
1) They get hurt
2) They never fly because they are afraid of what they bought
3) They end up with a piece of crap that will never meet their expectations (but it looked pretty in the pictures)

Nowadays when someone comes to me asking for a kite in certain colors, it sets off huge red flags and I start asking a lot of questions...

DAKITEZ - 8-11-2009 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
Those who buy a power kite based on color preference usually gets disappointed in one way or another...
1) They get hurt
2) They never fly because they are afraid of what they bought
3) They end up with a piece of crap that will never meet their expectations (but it looked pretty in the pictures)

Nowadays when someone comes to me asking for a kite in certain colors, it sets off huge red flags and I start asking a lot of questions...

Once again you nailed it on the head!

I just had to quote it so people could see it again :thumbup:

RRR - 8-11-2009 at 09:40 AM

What about 3m PL Hornet it is workable to..