Power Kite Forum

Speed 3 12m Standard- review

Flying G Zeus - 7-11-2009 at 05:32 PM

Had a chance to demo the Sp3 12m on a perfect day- hit the beach at 10am and left around 5pm. Here's my 2 cents worth:

Wind Range: Low end 11ktsG16, high end about 20kts.G26. By coincidence, I think I experienced this kite at both it's lowest and highest ENJOYABLE wind range with the board I used and without depowering trim straps, ie. black strap pulled in.

Water: oceanside, choppy with 4-6 ft. waves. Flat water on the back side of waves

Rider: intermediate, with some advanced stuff. 180lbs.

Board: Airush Protoy 135cm. x 41cm. (twintip)

For me, the biggest improvement over the speed 2 is increased depower and stability in gusty conditions. The Sp3 has reinforcement strips running from wing tip to tip AND in an x pattern thru the canopy. If you overfly the kite and the lines go slack it holds its shape and just drifts downwind (much the same as an inflatable)until there is tension on the lines again. With the Sp 2, loss of tension on the lines can result in instant trouble. I fly the Sp 2's in good steady wind only, but with the Sp3 I'm confident I can go out in much gustier conditions without risking life and limb

Bridles: they're significantly shorter and thicker so I expect tangles to be reduced. I like the new 4 line safety vs. a 5th line. It works really well and gives a better chance at relaunch in tough conditions.

Jumps: More lift than a helium balloon! Just fantastic hangtime. Hit a lot of jumps around 20ft. and soft landings were simple.

Turning speed: Really fast for a high aspect ratio kite- I threw down a few kiteloops. I haven't flown the Sp2 12m so I can't make a direct comparison, but turning speed is definately adequate. Much faster than my Sp2 15m.

Infinity Bar: big improvement to the chicken loop. I managed to reset it in strong wind with waves rolling over my head after inadvertently releasing it in a wipe out. Impossible with the Sp2 chickenloop. The auto untwisting of the centre lines works well and is a big convenience. I like doing a lot of front/ backroll transitions, etc. with the Speeds. But, I would warn riders to untwist the lines immediately because a build up of twists could possibly reduce bar travel and thus depower range.

I like the fact that the Sp3 and Sp2 have the same flying and depower feel. I wasn't crazy about the P4's triple depower. This way, your progression carries on seamlessly.

From my experience, the Sp3 has retained all the good qualities (hang time, low end) of the Sp2 while managing to improve upon weak points (turning speed, stability, depower). No compromises!

For me, this is the best kite Flysurfer has produced to date and it's worth it!

Now, does anyone want to buy a couple Sp2's (at fair market value) so I can make the upgrade???

PS I don't sell kites or make money from the sport, just wanted share.

DenisLaMenace - 7-11-2009 at 07:13 PM

nice review !!

the 12m is the kite I am waiting for.

InvertedForce - 7-11-2009 at 08:23 PM

How much you want for the Sp2 15m RTF?

PBKiteboarding - 26-11-2009 at 07:54 AM

Just read your review..... Good one have to agree... Wow Factor...
My Video review...
