Power Kite Forum

Pimping the Pink Peel

Bladerunner - 11-11-2009 at 05:35 PM

It's TRUE :wow: Pink does fly faster !
Well........ it does draw a lot of attention.

I got to put up the Peel today and it was pretty cool. I had been flying the 7.7 Twister . The Peel was longer and looked more fierce sitting on the ground. I was ready for a lot more punch than it delivered.

I expected it to be a faster kite but with all that bridle it didn't seem that way ( the twister has a very minimal bridle ) . The cross over bridle set up is complicated but works a dream ! Shame the crossbridle never kept being developed ? It made 2 line control a real breeze and made up for lack of brakes. Very interesting control concept !

I had heard it turns slow but that wasn't my experience ? I was pulling triple loops and stuff.

The wind was very low. 2 - 7 mph ish. It fell short of giving a ride in those conditions but flew with great stabilaty . Hard to crash it !

The stitching and stuff on these older kites is not up to the Pro series standard of P.L.'s new kites.

$100 well spent. I think ?

Thanks Fran'

ripsessionkites - 11-11-2009 at 05:43 PM

i didnt know you went flying today. the winds seem okay today in Richmond. where were you at?

i was stuck boxing up kites all day. cardboard anyone?

the crossover bridle was a cool design, but i think with the amount of bridle lines it requires, it equals more drag, however the turning is faster like you noticed.

what size is your peel?

time to get some PINK in the Bag.


Bladerunner - 11-11-2009 at 06:00 PM

I was at GP.

Wanted to see the trees and new statue's location :mad:

I have a mashed up little toe and was not sure I would fly at all so didn't call anybody. It was very light wind and no choice but to get wet. Gary Point Dry lake is becoming flooded again :(

The new Twister II passed it's 1st low wind test day ON HANDLES with flying colours ! :yes:

The Peel is a 5m but LOoooong and thin.

Not the Beast I had heard it was , so far ?

I don't know what feels more queer. Flying a hot pink kite or flying 2 line? Some Aussie tourist said I have never seen anybody fly a kite like That. I wonder what she was meaning? :duh:

ripsessionkites - 11-11-2009 at 06:44 PM

you could be flying your pink kite in a skirt. PRICELESS.

offering $5.00 for a picture of it, and the rights to post on any forum of my choosing. :bouncy:

airin - 11-11-2009 at 07:11 PM

Ohhh, nice BR, I would love to see that PINK in the sky! Glad you had a chance to try it, and your new Twister, out at GP.

Yeah, Rip, how're we gonna get some more pink into our kite bags...we can't let BR be the only PINK in the crowd.

Bladerunner - 11-11-2009 at 07:14 PM

I keep telling you,

IT'S A KILT Get me a hot pink Kilt and it is a deal !!! :bigok:

airin - 11-11-2009 at 07:30 PM

I have to say, boys do look pretty hot in Kilts!:thumbup:

indigo_wolf - 11-11-2009 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
IT'S A KILT Get me a hot pink Kilt and it is a deal !!!

Hmmm.... now where did that credit card get to :rolleyes:

I might have to guess at the sizing, BR :wink2:

Sadly, the only pink foil I own is a wee Punk Sting II 1.2


cheezycheese - 11-11-2009 at 07:40 PM

if you wear that kilt, make sure you shave dem legs.... and no going commando :smilegrin::smilegrin::smilegrin:

markite - 11-11-2009 at 07:46 PM

and then there was this "limited edition" t-shirt that came with one Scorpion a couple of years ago

markite - 11-11-2009 at 07:48 PM

okay, it didn't like a .png, let's try a jpeg

pink_scorp.jpg - 73kB

markite - 11-11-2009 at 07:49 PM

and the other side of the shirt

pinkylynn.jpg - 60kB

WIllardTheGrey - 11-11-2009 at 08:11 PM


cheezycheese - 12-11-2009 at 05:40 AM

what length lines were you using and bar or straps.... sounds as if yours flys different from mine. I am using 100ft/300lb with padded straps. i got the PL safety handles but have yet to use them. haven't really felt the need.

Bladerunner - 12-11-2009 at 07:36 AM

Uh OH :duh:

That pink leather one looks like a perfect one for NABX. You bring it and I'll fly the Peel with it! Heck if I've gone that far I'll go for my Nude Kiter pin this year with the pink kite too. :P
I don't think I'm joining the pinkkilt forum anytime soon though.:no:

The stock 27m ? PL lines on the stock handles I just moved the fly lines from the Twister over.I mostly fly off of the top 2 fingers so it felt O.K. I kept applying brake but of course it was useless. Safety. welllll....... I had my helmet !

I think our 1st impressions may differ because I was moving down from a 7.7m and you had just gotten started. It is big and powerfull . Most 5m kites are. Yank it aggresively to get it to turn fast. That seems how the crossover assists. ????

indigo_wolf - 12-11-2009 at 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Uh OH :duh:

That pink leather one looks like a perfect one for NABX. You bring it and I'll fly the Peel with it! Heck if I've gone that far I'll go for my Nude Kiter pin this year with the pink kite too. :P

Oh Fribble!!!!

This would have been sooooo worth it, until I realized the pink leather skirt is in the price range of an Access XC 6-8M. No offense to your knees, BR, but...

Darn it, Darn it, Darn it....

Hey wait.... maybe those were Canadian dollars.... now where did I put that lottery ticket. :rolleyes:


macboy - 21-11-2009 at 12:25 PM

I've been known to tinker with a sewing machine from time to time.......how about one made from some well worn hot pants ; )

....wait......to be clear, I DO NOT have said hot pants. But I'd go find some through whatever legal means I was able.

WolfWolfee - 21-11-2009 at 11:14 PM

Rumors have it you do own a set...lol...kinky...