garydog - 18-11-2009 at 09:36 AM
Received a Pulse 2 yesterday and had to fly it on very light winds.
Awesome kite and I am happy with most everything.
I may be dense after a 55 hour work week but I am having trouble with the trim straps. What color give me the most depower yellow or blue. I tried
both and it seems with the yellow pulled all the way I seem to have the most depower. The more I messed with it the more confused I became.
I usually do not have any trouble with this kinda stuff but my brain is in melt down mode.
This kite also has the FDS. Do I hook a leash to the ring on the 5th line and then to somewhere on my harness.
Thanks Dan
B-Roc - 18-11-2009 at 10:23 AM
i asked a similar question myself last month. Pull the yellow strap in higher winds and the blue to restore to neutral. I haven't flown the kite
much but I found, even in light winds the kite flew a bit better with the yellow pulled in a bit.
If you've got the rope FDS leash, larkshead it above the metal ring on the fifth line and then run the the spreader bar through your loop / leash end.
DenisLaMenace - 18-11-2009 at 11:21 AM
always attach a leash to the ring at the end of the 5th line otherwise the kite will fly away when you release the chicken loop
you don't want to loose you kite on the highway !!! or hurt other people downwind
also make sure your use a leash that can be released also
there are situations where you could need to completely release from the kite:: kite lines tangled with another rider or moving vehicle !!!
as for depower, yellow strap. blue one to go back normal.
in light winds, you may find (all depends on your front lines length versus rear ones and your riding) that using a bit depower (1 or 2 inches) may
help to prevent backstall
bribe36 - 18-11-2009 at 12:23 PM
Hey Garydog
I've trying to choose a first kite and the Pulse 2 8 meter is at the top of my list. Can I asked why you choose this kite, what size did you get,
what is your experience and weight, where did you buy it, what was the cost and anything else you feel would be helpfull.
Much thanks, Brian
bribe36 - 18-11-2009 at 12:25 PM
DOH - can't you edit these posts?
I'M not I'VE is what I meant.