Power Kite Forum


carltb - 21-11-2009 at 04:34 AM

A quick vid on me on the water from yesterday................

Kamikuza - 21-11-2009 at 06:30 AM

Nice :thumbup: didn't know you got in the water too
I like 0:46+ too :bigok:

carltb - 21-11-2009 at 08:18 AM

i consider myself a kiter first and it depends on my mood as to what i strap to my feet!!

Bladerunner - 21-11-2009 at 09:15 AM

Very Cool Carl !

Fills me with questions !

I see you use a board leash. If you think kite killers are unpopular try defending your board leash on one of our beaches. I won't use mine locally . The local crew have enough to hate when I show up with foils.

What is the word on board leashes over there ?

Do the land and water crews get along ?

I feel that riding on water makes you a better landboard kiter. Would you agree?

Do you think riding land helps your water skills ? Other than increasing the # of days you can ride.

Another great video !:thumbup:

carltb - 21-11-2009 at 12:16 PM

first off, there was a leash used in the vid, but it wasnt by me. the only time i would ever consider using a leash is if i was flying in really strong currents. i think they are dangerous and if you cant body drag then you should learn real quick!!!
there is a divide between the land and water guys but on my local (where i wont be flying again until march, but thats another story!!) everybody seems to get along. its more of a local crew feel and we all tend to look out for each other, but when i go on my travels i tend to talk more to people who are doing the same aspect as me. i suppose its just a way for strangers to have something in common.
i dont think riding on the water helps my land skills or riding on the land helps my water skills either. i see all kiting as 80% kite skill 10% training and 10% natural ability. if you can fly akite and have training and ability then you can do any aspect of kiting.
alot of people see kitesurfers out on the water and think i want to do that and go out with the sole intention of being a kitesurfer but skip the part of kiting where you just get your enjoyment from flying a kite. if you have that as your core then you can decide which path you want to travel down.
i started out flying a flexifoil bullet and just loving the feel of being pulled across the feild or beach, then when i got the kite dialed i bought a landboard. but suprise, i was crap, so gave it up and bought a buggy. once i had that licked i went back to the board again but this time i also bought an arc (guerilla) and within a couple of sessions i had that dialled aswell. next on the list for was getting on the water, which took me 3 or 4 sessons to get up and plaining. then came skates which ive dabbled off and on with differant set ups then snow kiting. this is why i consider myself a kiter above all and enjoy every aspect for the differant thrills i get from them.
ps i hope this is not just some ramdom dribble

carltb - 21-11-2009 at 12:38 PM

most of the vid is me but from 2.00 to 3.05 its mates who where out aswell.

Houston AirHead - 21-11-2009 at 12:53 PM

i learn ticks easier on land then i do water. sick video carl. you guys got some butter water out there:thumbup:

mgatc - 22-11-2009 at 05:09 AM

Master of all mediums! Very nice.

furbowski - 22-11-2009 at 07:27 AM

thanks for the water / land / kite skill stuff above!

not random dribble to me at all!

i remember seeing your four-wheel quad skate video a while back, still makes me laugh remembering watching you try to make those things work!

Bladerunner - 22-11-2009 at 08:42 AM

Thanks Carl,

I might have thought that since you can fold more power and potentially go bigger on water that it may help with the jumps.

manitoulinkiter1 - 22-11-2009 at 02:16 PM

Hey Man

Very nice.
I have a couple questions as well.
Was that the Charger you were using?
What size was it and what was the wind speed?


carltb - 22-11-2009 at 03:44 PM

no, im still on my synergy atm. it was a 15m and at a rough guess id say the wind was mid to high twenties mph

manitoulinkiter1 - 22-11-2009 at 06:22 PM

Thanks man


PHREERIDER - 25-11-2009 at 09:57 AM

just caught it , nice over the top.

ragden - 25-11-2009 at 10:24 AM

Cant watch the vid, at work. However, on the comment about kite flying skills vs what medium you ride. I generally agree with one caveat. For those riders that I know that are still trying to learn how to kitesurf, I ALWAYS recommend they do a couple land sessions. Whether in a buggy, or on a board, so they can get their kite skills down. Not to mention it lengthens their season considerably. Water here gets really cold in winter, and all the local kitesurfers hibernate (or so it seems) until the water starts warming up again.

Riding on land gives you opportunities to fine-tune your kite flying skills. You dont have to focus on the water so much and can concentrate on learning how to fly the kite. Once you are a good flyer, it translates to all other mediums. Just my opinion on the matter.