Power Kite Forum

PL Bomba 10.5 Review

flyjump - 26-11-2009 at 11:06 PM

I was able to try invertedforce's new PL bomba today and i thought i'd put in what I observed.

Out of the bag--
The 10.5 is red and black and fits nicely into it's bag, and it still has quite a bit of extra room. Fabric was crispy. The spars were the old crappy carbon collaspable kind, but where in good condition. This kite is the smallest PL depower that i have ever used.

In the air--
the Kite fills up nicely even if you don't fill it up all of the way while its on the ground. Its not very long, so it doesn't seem like a bowtie would happen very easy with this kite.
Winds were about 17mph gusting to the low 20s. This is the bottom end of the wind range for this kite. It likes to fly with tension on the back lines. It is a grunty kite. Didn't seem to be as responsive to turning as scorpions, or venoms. I practiced jumping with it, and isn't as quite as lifty as the newer models of PL, but you can still get lifted if you try hard.

If you crash it, it is wayyyy easier to relaunch compared to scorpions and phantoms on account of its low aspect. If it hits the ground, you just give the lines a few tugs and it'll rise back into the air.

Overall it was fun, but I think i'll stick with my scorpions for now :)

herc - 27-11-2009 at 06:13 AM

nice review! but how did your friend managed to get a bomba - totally new?
by the way - the bomba has the lowest aspect ratio of all lynn kites to date ! no wonder it does not bowtie as easily as a scorpion ..

did you observe any buckling of the profile of the kite? because it is wider than usual, i would suspect because of no bridles, that the kite may buckle or kink somewhere if under high wind pressure...
or does it have more than two internal straps?

flyjump - 27-11-2009 at 10:11 AM

Well its not totally new, but it is in great condition. It is so obvious when you pull the kite out of the bag that it is low aspect just by looking at its shape. Also, when it is flying it holds shape really well. No buckling that i saw, but i only used it for one day. I have so really good video and pictures that i'll post after we finish editing it.

herc - 27-11-2009 at 10:45 AM

very good! looking forward to your videos! btw - do you have videos of your 16 sqm scorpion, too? i just got mine delivered yesterday. but weather doesnt allow for testing currently..

flyjump - 27-11-2009 at 12:24 PM

My buddies filmed a little with me on the scorpion but winds we're low. You will love your scorp. Amazing lift. You'll be 12feet in the air learning tricks on your board in no time