shaggs2riches - 30-11-2009 at 07:47 PM
Late this afternoon I took my access out for a flight in a field near my parents place. The winds were 25km/h gusting to 30. Things were going well
just working on flying the window working on my scudding technique; then, on one of the upstrokes I pulled the bar back to give it a power boost so I
could get some more drag. Instead of dragging me on my heels the kite lifted me up and hauled me down wind. My father who was watching said that I was
lifted up about 2 feet and hauled down wind about 30 feet. All I could think about doing was trying to redirect the kite so that it wasn't a complete
fail. I'm guessing it sorta worked cause when I landed it felt like I had basically taken a big stride while running. Wish I could have gotten it on
video so that you guy's could pick it apart with tips on how to make things smoother. I was quite surprised to say the least. Didn't think that in
those winds the kite would be able to pick my 190lb ass up. I'm just glad that things went that way instead of the other. Definitely something that I
want to experience again but only when I'm more skilled to do so. Either way it was a rush. At first I was scared but after I got things under control
it brought a smile to my face.
power - 30-11-2009 at 07:59 PM
wanjia - 1-12-2009 at 12:13 AM
good, a great impovement .
Bladerunner - 1-12-2009 at 07:34 AM
Getting that 1st lift and handling it is huge ! Good for you.
Sounds like you handled it pretty well.
The 2 tips that seem to be formost in my head when jumping are : Trust your kite. It is made by a paragliding company . Or made for this in the case
of an arc.
If you get confused up there pull on the side of the bar that sends you in the direction you want to land / ride away.
shaggs2riches - 1-12-2009 at 05:42 PM
Thanks guys!
Hopefully next time I can get things on video. Maybe there will be enough wind to venture out on the weekend. Just curious though. I know that I
probably have a ways to go, but when is it a good time to start trying to jump. Also when I do get jumping is this kite (6m access xt) gonna be good
for learning on, or should I be waiting till I get something bigger? I know that the access isn't really a lifty kite so I'm not expecting too much,
especially at this size versus my weight. Just wondering.:dunno: