Power Kite Forum


Woodland - 7-12-2009 at 03:57 PM

Don't know if this is the right area for this, but, near I can tell it fits. Out here in Idaho we happen to have some great areas to climb in the winter. Some of the local hotshots have made videos of them gliding down the hills. They're getting probably fifty feet in the air on their way down. They're using Naish Lei's and Ozone Manta's. Has anyone done this with a Peter Lynn? I'm not nearly skilled or stupid enough to try it yet. Was more just curious if anyone had done it or seen it done with a PL. Something like this.
This just so happens to be at the local spot.



Stan-TheMan - 8-12-2009 at 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Woodland
Don't know if this is the right area for this, but, near I can tell it fits. Out here in Idaho we happen to have some great areas to climb in the winter. Some of the local hotshots have made videos of them gliding down the hills. They're getting probably fifty feet in the air on their way down. They're using Naish Lei's and Ozone Manta's. Has anyone done this with a Peter Lynn? I'm not nearly skilled or stupid enough to try it yet. Was more just curious if anyone had done it or seen it done with a PL. Something like this.
This just so happens to be at the local spot.



Woodland, your interest is along the same lines as what I posted in the topic "Controlled Hanging" under "Flying Techniques - Tips & Tricks". I think you'll get some of your answers as I did with some of the responses posted. A lot seems to depend on how high you want to go, the impact you feel you can withstand if you take a dive -- hit rocks, trees, water, etc., and the amount of money you want to spend.

There are varying opinions that para-gliding, rather than kiting, should be the pursuit in this interest, but many kiters have accomplished some air time with their kites, such as the kite surfers, land boarders, bladerunners, dune jumpers, and others. This topic has been my pursuit, as well, though I'm still on the ground doing research.

I've come to the personal conclusion that to enjoy gliding, one has to dissect the conditions necessary for flight, and that includes getting or maintaining lift, unless you want to jump off of a ledge and hope the ratio of your mass to the canopy or kite will be balanced well enough with the wind conditions as to let you float a certain distance and land without injury. I don't know about you, but I have found that Mother Nature often has a mind of her own.

Some kiters on my thread expressed some air accomplishment, but not without work and not without considerable risk -- and the need for precautions. Certain kites provide better opportunity for such glides than others, from what they say. I encourage you to read the many kind responses as they offer informative feedback.

I'll be interested in your assessment and your pursuit. I wrote this post believing my thread may save you some time and effort.

Clear sailing,


PHREERIDER - 8-12-2009 at 11:02 AM

if i had a spot like that i could tell you by sundown. i see no reason why not.

i would expect a PL to perform the same . bar pressure would a little different from series to series and brand to brand.....

ah...carl put up some dune jumps on a syn 15m.

like a super long jump, you keep feeding input for direction and control. i would suspect mountain side up draft to have hot spot and dead spots in the wind . so def know your spot before going for big airs like in the vids. you must have solid skills and control of your unit with instinctive reflexes to have a good time. being slammed into the rocks could really break up the day.

extreme caution advised

Woodland - 8-12-2009 at 04:34 PM

Thanks for a great reply PHREE. Totally forgot to mention...I'm asking about Peter Lynn Arcs. Hopefully that doesn't cause too much confusion. Not really planning on trying anything even close to that for a long while. I thought that their could be something a little funky because the Naish and Ozone's both have some sort of bridle supporting the shape. I suppose PL's have a type of supporting "bridle" with the internal straps. Any internal settings that might effect how it behaves when used like that? Perhaps tightening the flight adjuster to give it a little more oomph?

Stan-TheMan - 21-12-2009 at 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Woodland
Thanks for a great reply PHREE. Totally forgot to mention...I'm asking about Peter Lynn Arcs...

Sorry, Woodland, I took you for a beginner. Looks like a lot of fun -- I'd like to do the same. Wish my bod could take the learning curve.

Smiles and safe landings,
