Bladerunner - 16-12-2009 at 06:36 AM
If I can swing it I'm off to Palm Springs Friday.
I'm still hoping for some ideas of places to try in the valley or west side of the mountian.
I'm just looking for a large sport field or something to work on jumps. I will have the Charger and happy to demo if anybody can catch up.
It doesn't seem we have any members in the valley but I am looking for ideas of places to go ? I have never been there as a kiter but remember it was
Any ideas of locations to check ?
WolfWolfee - 16-12-2009 at 07:19 AM
Hey Blade you should just send me that Charger 10m, my Sabre is down for Been a great year already with good winds and endless room.
Have a great time, and be safe.