tobytobsen - 20-12-2009 at 11:33 AM
Hello fellow kiters,
We are flying home to Saint Simons Is, GA for Christmas and i am packing. I have my landboard, bar, lines, spars in my suitcase, now my question is,
can I carry on the actual Kite(PL VenomII 13) for the flight? I rolled it pretty slim, and i wanted to put it in my backpack because of the weight.
Has anyone experience with that?
I will fly international with Delta from Germany over Atlanta, GA to Jacksonville, FL.
markite - 20-12-2009 at 12:49 PM
yes but depending on the airport they may not allow the rods in carry on. I've seen them pull kite handles, buggy bolts and other things. You just
might stab someone with a rod - ignore that fact that a pen can do the same damage. So the rods are the only "maybe"
When Ziggy was going to bring a couple of kites packed in a Phantom backpack to NABX they told him it was too big for carry one and he had to pay to
check it as a second bag - expensive! So keep it within the size limits as well.
If your carry on is okay for size but some items might put it over weight - you can have a friend hold your things off somewhere else and put them in
after you get your boarding pass when some airlines weight carry on. If you are parked at the terminal close by I've also gone back to the car and
added things after the carry on has been weighed. Pull as many heavy things out of carry on that will fit in coat pockets or down the sleeve of your
coat and keep your coat over your arm and put items back in the bag after check in.
The kite itself makes a darn nice scarf or wrapped as a funky puffy vest.
flyjump - 20-12-2009 at 12:57 PM
Did that with a venom last spring. Just leave the metal pieces in your luggage
Bladerunner - 20-12-2009 at 01:13 PM
I just flew with my 10m Charger in it's bag but the spars out. No Problem.
I chose the 10m bag over my 15m Syn one due to that SIZE thing. Not sure the size of a Venom's ?
tobytobsen - 20-12-2009 at 01:45 PM
Thanks guys, that's exactly what i did, removed all metal parts, lines, bar and sticks, it's just the actual foil with the pigtails in the carry on.
I am excited to be able to fly again with decent, steady coastal winds, and with weather more in the 60's, rather then the low 30's.
Bladerunner, the bag is expendable, but i have it on the smallest setting. Will only put things in which i can squeeze with the build in "packing
strips" from the backpack.