Power Kite Forum

skating videos

Mouse - 20-5-2005 at 07:08 AM

Finally made my decision between starting with boarding or skating and i will be putting together my first pair of doomwheels this weekend with any luck (even though i'm pretty sure i will still try boarding later on hehe). My g/f is a bit nervous about me trying this out and i tried to load some of the movies off the main site to reassure her that it's not as dangerous as it looks but i can't get any of the vids to load. I updated all my players but it still won't work...any advice?

doomwheels - 21-5-2005 at 03:07 AM

Do you have quicktime?
Click here to check if your browser has the plugin:

If not, click here to download and install it:

If that doesn't work, try another computer. Sorry, my best advice.

Mouse - 22-5-2005 at 01:36 PM

I started building my wheels this weekend but unfortunately a friend stopped by while i was in the process and some how my project swung into building a 2-wheeled skateboard thingy hehe. Built it...rode it...and tore it apart, the dang thing is way to long to be safe. So anyways i'm back to the original plan of building my skates and our local Northern has everything i need. I checked the "click here to check if your browser has the Quicktime plug in" on the opening page and it said that all three of my computers have it, yet none of them can open the movies so it must be an issue with my router setup or something like that. Well break time is over so back to building my wheels wish me luck :tumble: !

BTW the instructions on building a set of doomwheels is well done...simple and effective :thumbup:

doomwheels - 22-5-2005 at 11:53 PM

Good luck with your skates. Post some action pics when you are up and rolling. Glad the instructions helped... sometimes simple works best.

Regarding the movies... if your web browser won't show them, you can always install Quicktime Player and use that to view the movies after you download them to your hard drive. Most doomwheels movies are in basic mpeg format.