Power Kite Forum

Hanging out a Flysurfer to dry?

macboy - 29-12-2009 at 01:38 AM

So, I'm taking the SA out for it's winter debut and was wondering, how do you pack up at the lake to make it easiest to unpack at home and string the kite up to thaw/dry inside? The bridles are ludicrous (and I'm spoiled by bridle-less PLs). I'm worried about creating a rats nest for the next flights after repacking indoors.

csa_deadon - 29-12-2009 at 03:03 AM

You could daisy-chain the bridals at the lake. Keeps everything nice and tidy.
I would pull the bridals out when back at home though to allow them to dry also.

kitedog - 29-12-2009 at 07:04 AM

I have this problem sometimes after coming back from the beach if its raining or the sand is wet when I pack up. I just kind of do it quick and dirty and fold the kite up as normal with the bridals inside the kite and then, when I get home, I just pull it out of the bag and lay it out flat on the garage floor to dry. I flip it over after a while and then shake all the sand off. Works great! No problems with the bridals. I think, after using a FS for a while, you lose the fear of bridal tangles. It looks more intimidating than it really is.

tridude - 29-12-2009 at 07:28 AM

sure hang her out to dry inside then pack her like they show in the vids i.e. throw the bridals on the belly, fold in half, and roll her up..........................worst thing you can do (next time out of the bag) is not laying the bridal out, and apply pressure (pulling) to straighten them out............after awhile, it will become reflex as KD mentioned................................Ive dried my SA2 in the garage, repacked, and had no issues next time out. Remember pulling the lines/bridals when kite is layed out is key.............................

manitoulinkiter1 - 29-12-2009 at 04:06 PM


I have this fear of tangeling the bridles too. I've only had my Flysurfer out once so far. Glad to hear I'll get over it.
I don't have a garage and have too lay my kite out on my den floor in the basement. Anyone want to guess what happens with my wife when I "shake the sand out". LOL. The basement is finished and carpeted, but I always get the sand out before I bring the kite in. LOL.
