Power Kite Forum

2010 Ozone Access XT

powerkiter82 - 3-1-2010 at 12:43 AM

I currently fly a 5M flow and I am powered fairly well by this kite even in lighter winds below 15+ mph. I am looking to step up to a larger kite with depower. I weigh around 275 lbs. Which kite would be the best for my size the 8M or 10M Access XT?

Houston AirHead - 3-1-2010 at 01:59 AM

i would go with the 10 and i weigh 175

canuck - 3-1-2010 at 09:56 PM

I weigh 200 and often wish my 8m Access 2 was a 10m

Maven454 - 4-1-2010 at 04:47 AM

10m is likely better. If you want a good deal on a similar kite, I've got a 10m HQ Apex II for sale.

2010 Ozone Access XT

powerkiter82 - 6-1-2010 at 08:03 PM

Well, I ended up buying the 8m since it has a larger wind range. I can continue flying the 8 long after I would have had to pack the 10 away. After receiving the kite today and opening it I was shocked at how it dwarfed my 5m Flow, and its only 3m2 larger. Ozone has gone above and beyond with the design of the new Access XT. It now has the same 2 pulley speed system bridle as the Frenzy and Manta, and the same high strength Y line design flying lines. I have to give two thumbs up to Ozone again for an amazing kite. Now if the weather will calm down in Oklahoma for a while I will be able to get out and use it. Thanks for the suggestions from those who replied.

shaggs2riches - 6-1-2010 at 08:43 PM

You won't be dissapointed with that kite. I have the 6 meter xt and love it. Handles amazing, depower is great. The trims on the bar ends can be tricky but mostly I leave them in the neutral position and it works just fine. Turns real nicely. Enjoy your new kite.
