hardy - 5-1-2010 at 06:47 PM
are there ring's and ringlines on the outlaw kites? can't tell from line plan.
thanks Paul
jokiter - 6-1-2010 at 12:03 PM
Sorry for the question - but what do you mean with ring's and ringlines? When I remember correctly - the Outlaw has lines (bridles) on each tip
running thru a ring.
ragden - 6-1-2010 at 12:07 PM
I have two of these, and am a hair confused as to what you are looking for exactly. There are some pulleys on the kite, as well as other connectors in
the bridle. Its funny, I fly them all the time, but I havent really spent a lot of time going over the bridle (except when its tangled and all I'm
doing is undoing the mess). I can take a closer look when I get home if you would like, unless someone gets you the answer before then... 
hardy - 6-1-2010 at 01:08 PM
yes those lines that running thru the ring. is it the same setup like pulse2 with only one on each tip ? P3 has 3 of them, real pain to deal with
them with all that shrinking. my new P$ dont have them anymore so i was wondering if outlaw has them or not before i buy the kite.
thanks Paul
jokiter - 6-1-2010 at 07:18 PM
I checked my Outlaw 10m. Yes, only one ring on each tip. I love my 10m. Great low-end too.
powerzone - 7-1-2010 at 12:10 AM
yes there is 1 ring line on each side of the kite... to help with stability and AOA at the wingtip.
as someone mentioned, these lines can shrink after time with repeated wet-dry-wet-dry use.... no big deal, just re-stretch them if you suspect they
have shrunk. you'll know if the wing tips fold in alot and the kite has more backstall as well as decreased power in the turn.
the outlaw should have been supplied with extra ringlines in the spare parts kit.
also, to all you guys out there with ring-line-kites... Rub Clear Wax on the ring line portion where it rubbs... this really helps increase the
lifespan of the ringlines. also, inspect the ring for sharp burrs or snaggs from the weld and make sure the Little Black Connector knot is near the
kite and not the ring.
that about covers RingLines 101