Power Kite Forum

Favorite video of all time!

Cheddarhead - 8-1-2010 at 01:37 PM

One of my all time favorite videos. These guys have some amazing skillz!

cjules - 8-1-2010 at 03:02 PM

hm. having trouble w/ URL

Big Earl - 8-1-2010 at 03:28 PM

me too

DenisLaMenace - 8-1-2010 at 03:41 PM

work better if you put video ID between the [youtube] and the [/youtube] tokens

Cheddarhead - 8-1-2010 at 07:33 PM

Thanks DenisLaMenace for your help. I'm not the most computer literate person around, but I'm learning.


InvertedForce - 8-1-2010 at 07:55 PM

That video is pretty sick! Any of the push kiting videos are probably my favorite.

Also, the new Ruben Lenten vid is pretty sweet.

FloRider - 9-1-2010 at 10:02 AM

Now that your VID is working I've got to say good job. That was a pretty awesome compilation Cheddarhead

B-Roc - 10-1-2010 at 07:40 AM

the compilation video was quite good!

rckmac123 - 10-1-2010 at 08:51 PM

ruben lenten is off the hook HOOJ air. ill get there...five lives from now

heliboy50 - 25-1-2010 at 04:52 AM

Hey rckmack I do seem to remember when you couldn't roll a heli without a spotter and now look. Shut up and ride. You push me and I'll push you.:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: