Power Kite Forum

What Kite?

Gerofl - 10-1-2010 at 05:45 AM

Hi guys
As i love flighing Kites i desided to buy a new kite i have got a bulett 4,5m an i had lots of fun with it.
I am tinking of a lager an newer kite. BladeV 4,9 is it a good Kite? i just want to jump a bit. Maybe later buggiing I am not sure.
please help me which kites would you take ;)

Kamikuza - 10-1-2010 at 07:09 AM

I got a Bullet 4.5 too and jump with that when there's too much wind to board safely in my little area ... hauls my fat ass into the sky no worries :lol:
If you can handle that fine, I'd go a bigger size than just 5m ... with the usual caveats. Post more info about location, ability etc and you may get some of the lovely lads offering you a fly of their kites :thumbup:

Gerofl - 10-1-2010 at 07:36 AM

thx kamikuza
well I really love to jump and I have heard that blade at light winds is easy to fligh and at strong winds it really shows what it is all about :)
As I live in Austria I really need to get to beaches in summer oherwise I get crazzy! :spin:
but I also have heard that blade V isn't that good as the old blades... is this true?
and what other kites would be fun flighing/jumping

brplatz - 10-1-2010 at 09:14 AM

Peter Lynn Twister II in 5.6 or 7.7


Bladerunner - 10-1-2010 at 09:23 AM


I had a set of Bullets. They were great kites. Liked them a lot for the buggy. BUT.

I witneesd a few people getting slammed hard by my 4.5 and Ken #1's 5.5.

The bullet is designed with PULL as it's focus for the buggy. The Blade was designed for jumping. Every once in a while the Bullet would slam these people in to the ground with force instead of lift them . I think they sent it wrong . If it feels like you missed the take off don't hesitae to let the Bullet go before it slams you.

Twister is worth a look.

Gerofl - 10-1-2010 at 10:25 AM

i head a lot slams but just one hard one but i didnt know bullet was designed for pulling thx a lot
Is Twister5.6 better than bladeV4.9 ?

acampbell - 10-1-2010 at 10:36 AM

Blade is arguably a bit more powerful size for size, but Twister is smoother than the Blade. In gusty winds, holding on to a Blade is like being tied to the back of a car when someone is gunning the engine and popping the clutch.

Blade is prolly easier on a bar though, if that matters. Twister on a bar has to have the brake tension just right for it to turn well.

Both lifty though.

DAKITEZ - 10-1-2010 at 10:38 AM

Since you already have a 4.5m I would suggest the twister II 5.6m or blade V 6.5m. Jumping is better with a larger kite. Get a bigger kite for the light wind days and if the wind is stronger than you use your 4.5m and go buggy.

The blade V I would not say is no good. It is still a very good kite, but I see no improvements over the blade IV. If you can find a used blade IV save yourself some money and buy it over a blade v. Thats what I did :yes:

Gerofl - 10-1-2010 at 11:22 AM

ok thx a lot

Gerofl - 10-1-2010 at 02:58 PM

i just have got one last question. What would you take for the blade 6.5m handles or Bars
i am used to fligh with handles but i just want to buy som nice stuff.

DAKITEZ - 10-1-2010 at 03:01 PM

definitely handles for me

the prolink handles are excellent!

Gerofl - 30-4-2010 at 02:00 AM

I have bought the bladeV 6.5 now and i can say I am more than happy. The boost is more than great. Its really fun to fly.
I jumped a lot and I cant wait to fly again!
Thx for the help guys