airwombat - 11-1-2010 at 05:54 PM
Hello all,
I hope another post asking 'which kite?' doesn't make everyone groan and turn away, but i tried the search option and looked over the forum, but
couldn't find what i wanted
I've been flying my 4.9m Flexi Blade (III) for years now (on handles), but have decide it's time to stop dragging my arse along the beach and get out
on the water. so, which kite?
I live in the Falklands, where you can count the number of serious kiters on one hand. so trying a range of kites before buying isn't an option.
However, I have recently been flying a mates 10m Cabrinha Switchblade (on land only) and it seems nice, but for all my experience, it could fly like a
pig and i'd still think it ok.
I'm set on 10m bow kite - it's a nice size and the wind around here is far from stable, so I'd rather have an all-rounder with depowering potential,
but slightly daunted by the choice. Should i worry, or will any 10m kite from a respected make be ok. i'm sure they'll all put a smile on my face!
Any ideas? is a Cabrinha Crossbow worth the extra ££s over the switchblade. The Flexifoil Neutron seems cheaper than other kites, but i read a good
review of it, am i missing something? I want a kite I can advance on, not a beginners kite i'll be bored of in 3 months as upgrading kites isn't an
option around here. Keen on cruising on my board and playing around in surf
In case anyone cares or it helps, i'm about 85kg, fairly strong, a would say I was a competant flier.
sorry for the long post, and thanks for any help
DenisLaMenace - 11-1-2010 at 06:53 PM
a good all around kite. I had 2 switchblade IDS 8m + 12m this summer for about 2 months.
stable kite, fair relaunch, good jumps, easy control
I did not like the bar. The depower strap with bungee is annoying.
The kite has a bit bar pressure for my taste.
dont waist extra money for the crossbow. i think you should enjoy more the SB for a while.
airwombat - 11-1-2010 at 06:56 PM
thanks for that. my friends found his depower strap annoying, but we thought it was just old and a bit worn as it was second hand. apparently it's
just annoying! i'm sure i could live with it.....
lives2fly - 12-1-2010 at 04:43 AM
Cool. Someone who lives on a more remote, windier little British island than I do
I had those same issues with lack of other kite flyers and opportunity to try before you buy. You are pretty much right that whatever you get will be
OK to start because all you need to get going with the basics is a kite - any reputable manufacturers kite will do.
Whats more important is getting the right size. To learn quick you need to fly in 12 - 20 mph of wind - thats the best wind range for learning. Get a
kite that suits your weight for that optimum wind range and you will make the most of your money.
You need a lot more power on the water than on the land. I would not use a 10m in less than 20mph. (I weigh 70kg/155lbs).
So unless you are 5 - 10kg's lighter you are probably going to want a 12m - remember that bows/SLE's/Hybrids have a huge depower range so getting a
bigger kite will not hold you back in strong winds.
I would also recommend getting a Hybrid rather than a Bow. they take the best bits of bows and C kites and combine them. If your main concern is
stability rather than performance then try an Arc or something.
macboy - 29-1-2010 at 09:38 PM
Hey sorry for chiming in so late here but my buddy who just started kiting this fall is flying a 12m Switchblade and my God is that thing fast! He can
crank it up in a redirect so fast it's amazing.
But that's all I know. I'll call that .5¢
airwombat - 30-1-2010 at 04:36 PM
Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. in the end, I went for a 12m switchblade as it happens, so pretty excited. sadly, living where i do it
won't arrive until mid-march, which is a bit cruel, but them's the breaks i guess.
syuzhak - 30-1-2010 at 05:24 PM
I have a 10m Switchblade3 and it's a pretty powerful kite. Comparable power wise to a 12m or bigger Naish weird shape kite.
I'm 150lbs and I get going barely upwind, working the kite in 11-12kts. This is on my regular 137cm twin-tip.
The non-IDS Switchblades are also pretty slow compared to other tube kites. So great kites for all the foil kiters that are scared of fast kites.
Inflatos have different power per size as well.
Just something to think about.