Power Kite Forum

Chicken loop on 3-line kite??????

shaggs2riches - 11-1-2010 at 07:25 PM

I was out for a couple hours today with my 3.5 Ozone Imp 3-Line trainer kite in 20km gusting to 30km. While flying it I was thinking how babied my arms have gotten since I started flying depower. So I started wondering if there was a way to add an Ozone megatron chicken loop on a short beal line connected to the middle of the bar. The third line is of course the middle line for braking and safety if you let go of the bar a leash on wrist strap kills the power to the kite. My idea was the way the wrist strap is attached I should be able to replace it with a kite leash to go to my harness.

I already have the leash, so the only thing I need to get is a chicken loop on a beal line. My reasoning for this is that I have gotten quite a bit of power from this kite in 35+km/h winds and after an hour or more a persons arms get pretty tired. If I were to run into trouble I can just pull the safety on the chicken loop and the leash would kill the power and I still have the leash safety if all else goes wrong.

Hope this paints a good enough picture of what I want to accomplish with this. I know its just a trainer so it may not be worth the hassle. If anyone has done something like this before or if its for some reason not a safe thing to do, please let me know. My end result is to be able to hook the kite to a harness so that when flying it in high winds my arms don't get so tired and I can focus on just flying the kite.


DAKITEZ - 11-1-2010 at 07:47 PM

I'm not sure I understand why you want to do this. The wrist strap is doing the same thing you want to do with the chicken loop. just put the wrist strap to your harness.

Do I not understand exactly what you are trying to do?

shaggs2riches - 11-1-2010 at 08:03 PM

I want to be able to hook the chicken loop to a harness so that my arms are not the only thing holding the kite back when I am using it in high winds. Sorry I guess I really didn't explain it all that clear. I'll edit it up a bit. Thanks.

DAKITEZ - 11-1-2010 at 08:19 PM

oh you want a d-loop then.

Same basic idea as a chicken loop but bigger. It connects to the bar via velcro or loops and has the same quick release system as a chicken loop. I have a couple here I think they run you about $30. Ripsessions probably has one and could hook you up.

Kamikuza - 11-1-2010 at 08:35 PM

IIUC foils don't really work like de-powers - even if you hooked up a 4-line foil like a de-power you wouldn't get the same result, due to the way the foils are bridled ... the brake lines don't alter the Angle of Attack for the whole aerofoil, like a de-power does.

The d-loop would be the ticket and now they have safety release, that'd be your best idea.

I've been thinking though, of getting a chicken loop and release with the line and then attaching a pulley to that, putting a strop through it to handles ... means I could use it with a regular harness ...

shaggs2riches - 11-1-2010 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ
oh you want a d-loop then.

Same basic idea as a chicken loop but bigger. It connects to the bar via velcro or loops and has the same quick release system as a chicken loop. I have a couple here I think they run you about $30. Ripsessions probably has one and could hook you up.

That's exactly what I want thanks man. I wish that I knew what it was called then I wouldn't have needed the long post lol. Is there any places out there that sell them?? Would the bigger Loop swivel like a modern chicken loop does?? Or is that asking for too much? Again thanks much appreciated.

shaggs2riches - 11-1-2010 at 09:38 PM

Well I dug around for the past hour and found an Imp 3-line trainer set exactly the way I want to set up mine here:


Just gotta search the site a bit to see if they sell the chicken loop setup by itself to add to a kite without one.

DAKITEZ - 11-1-2010 at 10:18 PM

here ya go .. Angus has a nice picture of one


It does not swivel like the one on the imp you saw. Angus might also be able to hook you up with the Ozone swivel one.

shaggs2riches - 11-1-2010 at 10:53 PM

Okay now I see a D-loop is basically a strop for a bar. I think that if I can I will swing for the chicken loop setup since it is similar to what I'm used to using with my De-powers. The ATBshop actually sells the chicken loop setup separately works to $41 CAD.
If I can't find one in North America by the end of the week I will just order one from them. Hopefully the shipping from them to Canada won't run too much. Again thanks a lot, I probably might still be searching.
