Power Kite Forum

Novice -> NABX?

murmur - 25-1-2010 at 09:55 PM

Hi guys, I'm a novice buggier and NABX 2010 would (will?) be my first-ever *event*. In fact, it'll be the first time I've ever actually witnessed anyone besides myself do the buggy thing.

(I've found there's a good reason nobody but me buggies in eastern Missouri. Too many trees, not enough wind, no beaches!).

My initial enthusiasm's been sapped by extracting a grand total of about three hours of successful buggying out of a dozen visits to my favorite Mississippi sandbar, but now I'm thinking I want to try the lakebed. Who knows, maybe I'll like it so much I'll move away from this windsports-challenged area!

So what do you guys think? Should I come?

If so, I have questions! My equipment will need some help, at least in the kite department. My only kite is a 5m Samurai II. What do you recommend I buy? Is a 5m kite even worth bringing to NABX, if you're a novice?

My buggy is what I've seen referred to as the "kite trike" or Rockville. Not exactly heavy iron; will it disappoint me at Ivanpah? It looks like this picture: Kite Trike Classic at wavescooters.com

Obviously I've never done any racing, but I don't want to show up and then not have the equipment for the "other stuff", whatever that turns out to be.


DAKITEZ - 25-1-2010 at 10:09 PM

your trike will be fine. You will need a small kite 1.5m - 2m and a 3m wouldn't hurt either. Plus bring your 5m.

Come on out you will have a great time! Guarantee your skills will progress leaps and bounds in the short time your at the lake vs. out on your own. Hope to see you there

macboy - 25-1-2010 at 10:26 PM

1-5m kites?

That's the one thing (that and when and how to build a shot car) that's been on my mind.....no 7m days? Perhaps some light wind SA sunsets? After last year's ground speed record runs I think I'll be the one in the pink skirt with the hook knife sequins.

I'll be right there with ya murmur. Not too many hours in the old buggy for me either. I have a funny feeling NABX is all about peace love and kites....and sometimes it's windy.

DAKITEZ - 25-1-2010 at 10:32 PM

I would say bring every kite you can get your hands on, but if you only had a 5m and were thinking of getting one more for nabx i would make it a small one. I only took 2 or 3 kites last year, because i was worried about space in our car pool van (turns out we had plenty of room) but this year I will be loaded with enough to cover some serious wind ranges.

bigkid - 25-1-2010 at 10:33 PM

I agree with Dakitez, I do beleave that there will be some of us there that will have nore than enough kites to fly by ourselfs. I personally will have everything from .4 to 18m and at least 2 buggys with a couple of boards.
I for 1 would be willing to share my personal stash with most people who are interested in the sport, as are many others who will be there, come as you are and enjoy the event if nothing else.

arkay - 25-1-2010 at 11:53 PM

I event buying some smaller kites 1-2m now to be prepared to nuking winds... of course they are for the kids, I'm just borrowing them for the week :thumbup:

rckmac123 - 26-1-2010 at 12:31 AM

yeah ill be bring a 15m and a 17m fuel and hopefull have a 5m fuel for nuking winds lol ill have my bord i gots from dino and maby a buggie compliments of heliboy50 he will have 2 soon but ill bring all of my kites and so will heliboy50 he has alott of small foils. but I am stoked it will be my first kite event one of many im sure.

Bladerunner - 26-1-2010 at 07:12 AM

From my experience there is usually a chance to put out the big kites. Often frustrating little currents of wind . Everybody ends up stopped and waiting all over the playa. It looks funny !!!!

Then it BLOWS !!!!!!:Ange09:

You can use all sizes , if you've got them. Folks are good about sharing.

deanaoxo - 26-1-2010 at 08:12 AM

Three things.

1) Kite size rule. The kite you left behind, is the one you wish you had.

2) You buggy will be fine, look what we started with.

3) One week on the playa equals about a year at your home field. You will not believe how quick you learn, and how much better you will be.

aoxo~out[url=]picture here[/url]

deanaoxo - 26-1-2010 at 08:13 AM

for what it's worth, i've never been able to post a picture here, so if one of you want to help me, email me, i'm only so advanced when it comes to this old skool interweb thang.

Originally posted by deanaoxo
Three things.

1) Kite size rule. The kite you left behind, is the one you wish you had.

2) You buggy will be fine, look what we started with.

3) One week on the playa equals about a year at your home field. You will not believe how quick you learn, and how much better you will be.

aoxo~out[url=]picture here[/url]

cheezycheese - 26-1-2010 at 08:37 AM

never been to NABX, but from my first experience at WILDWOOD i think the only real equipment that's necessary is YOU!!! there will be so many people willing to share and help you learn, so just come as you are...
you might wanna hold off on buying a kite til after you try some of the ones at NABX, so you have a better idea of what you like or need...:Ange09::Ange09::Ange09:

rudeboysaude - 26-1-2010 at 08:50 AM

Last year was my first NABX experience. I brought all my kites and my wife told me I better even throw in the 1.5M trainer. Why I thought.. that's just for teaching people. haha.. That kite got more flight time then it's ever had in it's life. 1.5 and the 3M were the stars. Couldn't believe it. Speeding along on my "trainer kites". On one of the lighter wind days I got enough guts to fly my 10M venom. I took some pictures of guys moving in their buggys holding onto plastic bags.. to give you an idea of resistance and winds in the desert. Different world out on the playa then in the farm fields we buggy here. Totally different, that's why it's worth the trip. Unlike anything you'll experience in the midwest.

acampbell - 26-1-2010 at 09:07 AM

My fastest to date at 40+ mph was with a 3m Beamer at NABX and I was holding back for fear of losing my feet from the foot pegs in my little Comp XR +

I have seen that newcomers are always made to feel welcome, no matter what their experience level. It is true that you will learn more there in a week than in a year at home.

furbowski - 26-1-2010 at 09:28 AM

here's the missing photo from above:

i wish i could be there, maybe next year....

furballs with wheels.jpg - 104kB

ripsessionkites - 26-1-2010 at 09:55 AM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ
your trike will be fine. You will need a small kite 1.5m - 2m and a 3m wouldn't hurt either. Plus bring your 5m.

Come on out you will have a great time! Guarantee your skills will progress leaps and bounds in the short time your at the lake vs. out on your own. Hope to see you there

thats dino's skirt size he was referring too.

on a serious note, bring everything. youll go from big to small than back to big throughout the day.

Me on the Vapor 11, cant find the picture of Aire on the Spirit 15m. Damn I need to size up if Im going to stay ahead.


deanaoxo - 26-1-2010 at 11:44 AM

I only rode the lakes twice with that buggy, it all ended when i got some fancy yellow tires and rolled them off the rims! I sure wish i still had that buggy! Not that i have a place to put it!

Can't wait to see the buggy Ozzy is bringing!

Originally posted by furbowski
here's the missing photo from above:

csa_deadon - 26-1-2010 at 12:42 PM

Narrow smooth tires: Check

Quiver: Sort-a-check last of the quiver to arrive soon.

Buggy: I know I've got it around here somewhere! LOL

Transportation: Check

Hotel: to do list,

Beverage: Pit stop in Cali

Shot car: Specs needed

Safety Gear: CHECK!

Skirt size for Rip: CHECK! :spin:

Gotta remember to bring myself.

Experience: NABX NOOB!

acampbell - 26-1-2010 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by murmur

My buggy is what I've seen referred to as the "kite trike" or Rockville. Not exactly heavy iron; will it disappoint me at Ivanpah?


No worries on the kite trike. Two year back someone brought a clown bike...

anything (without a motor) goes...

AngusClownBike.jpg - 48kB

Ozzy - 26-1-2010 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by deanaoxo
I only rode the lakes twice with that buggy, it all ended when i got some fancy yellow tires and rolled them off the rims! I sure wish i still had that buggy! Not that i have a place to put it!

Can't wait to see the buggy Ozzy is bringing!

Originally posted by furbowski
here's the missing photo from above:

Check these wheels Dean,:

Not quite the same one you guys drove on he first PL buggys as in previous foto,.....but I think these wheels will do the job .. we just need wind, :singing:

catch ya l8ter,

awindofchange - 26-1-2010 at 01:48 PM

Dean, it is impressive that we have gone from this:

Land Lizzards

to this:

Ivanpah Stainless Buggy w/Bigfoots

deanaoxo - 26-1-2010 at 03:10 PM

Indeed sir, that is quite impressive.

My little birds tell me we are in for a few surprises for sure.

Ozzy, man, i'm drooling over those wheels and can't wait to see what they are attached too! Another giant arm chair? Where's the remote?

Originally posted by awindofchange
Dean, it is impressive that we have gone from this:

Land Lizzards

to this:

Ivanpah Stainless Buggy w/Bigfoots

murmur - 26-1-2010 at 09:25 PM

Thanks much for the responses, everybody. Looks like I'll be making my plans! I don't know if mooching off the better-prepared is really the best way to start things off, so I think I'll get a 1.5m or 2m foil to bring. I do have a two-line "liquid force" trainer kite with a simplistic bar that I bought nine years ago when I was making a stab at kiteboarding (don't ask). It's probably about that size, but I've never buggied with a bar. Maybe that would work in a pinch?

macboy - 26-1-2010 at 09:56 PM

If the plastic bags will work I bet the LF trainer will too. Thanks for the post murmur, all of us other newbs appreciate the info. Can't wait to meet you all!

BeamerBob - 26-1-2010 at 11:18 PM

I need to just always divert my eyes when one of those ivanpahs are sitting still or rolling by for that matter. My quiver acquisition seems to be quieting down a little so I could maybe get a new road bicycle to replace mine that's 20 years old. I feel that pang of desire hitting me already though.

vwbrian - 26-1-2010 at 11:49 PM

As a first timer last year I hit almost 50MPH with 2M pansh legend (first run on the playa) and had to borrow a smaller kite when the winds were nuking. Bring a helmet, knee and elbow pads at the very minimum.

ripsessionkites - 27-1-2010 at 02:13 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
I need to just always divert my eyes when one of those ivanpahs are sitting still or rolling by for that matter. My quiver acquisition seems to be quieting down a little so I could maybe get a new road bicycle to replace mine that's 20 years old. I feel that pang of desire hitting me already though.

looking forward to talking Road Bikes with ya. I have a custom Kuota Kharma right now.

@ Jeroen, you're not going home with those rims. Ill pay Kent to keep them at his shop, and some way some how they will have missed the container going back to NL.

Kamikuza - 27-1-2010 at 06:10 AM

I feel so left out :(
Maybe 2011 ...? :lol:

Bladerunner - 27-1-2010 at 08:33 PM


You are so screwed ! Seeing all the different buggies and set-ups is going to drive you crazy ! Last year KDMC96 was just thinking about upgrading his P.L.

He came home much lighter in pocket and overweight on the airline with one SWEET ride! :yes:

The new road bike may have to wait . :wee:

Originally posted by BeamerBob
I need to just always divert my eyes when one of those ivanpahs are sitting still or rolling by for that matter. My quiver acquisition seems to be quieting down a little so I could maybe get a new road bicycle to replace mine that's 20 years old. I feel that pang of desire hitting me already though.