Power Kite Forum


powerkiter82 - 27-1-2010 at 07:39 PM

Once again Ozone has made another awesome kite, even though they removed the clam cleat from the center line, it still has plenty of depower in the throw of the bar. It has the same 2 pulley speed system and Y design center line of the more expensive Frenzy and Manta (another example of the extreme high quality design of OZONE kites). However, don't think that just because it is an entry level depower that it is striclty for beginners, I have flown this kite at least 2-3 times a week since I received it earlier this month in winds ranging from a mere 3-5 mph to gusting 20-25 mph and this kite never let me down. I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would definitely recommend this kite to anyone. It is very beginner friendly and will even keep any seasoned flyer grinning. Plus with a price that is very affordable. OZONE is my kite of choice for life now!

herc - 28-1-2010 at 11:21 AM

nice review! thanks!
did you have a chance to fly a manta 3 and compare your access to the manta? or can you compare to older models of ozone kites?
how does it pull in under 10 knots? enough for landboarding? going upwind?

power - 28-1-2010 at 12:52 PM

Why did they remove the clam cleat?

Maven454 - 28-1-2010 at 01:00 PM

They claim it has enough depower with just the bar.

powerkiter82 - 28-1-2010 at 03:31 PM

Herc, I have not had a chance to fly the new Manta 3 yet, but when I get a chance I will not pass it up. My comparison was based on my past experiences flying an old sky tiger several years ago, from recently flying a 17m cabrinha LEI, and a few older ozone kites, even though there is a lot of difference in all of these kites. It still pulls great below 10 knots, but really comes to life at 8-16+ knots. I am just learning to land board and have not had a session with the board and the Access yet, I have been flying static for about 15 years now though, started with stunt kites, learned freestyle stunt kites, then about 4 years ago started power kiting, I can't get enough so that is why I am starting landboarding, I have had a chance to ride a buggy a few times in the past and I want to build my own now. The Access XT 8m will definitely be my go to kite for either the board or buggy from now on in most wind conditions. Even at my size the Access XT 8m can still give me one hell of a workout in higher winds. I love this kite. I will eventually add another Access XT of a smaller size for when I want to do some serious high wind flying.:wee:

Access XT 8m

powerkiter82 - 12-3-2010 at 02:38 PM

I finally got a short session with the Access XT and my landboard about a week ago. No longer than it lasted I still had fun. The Access XT will definitely work for landboarding. It has plenty of grunt to get a larger rider like myself rolling and yet still turns fast. I hope to get to test it with a buggy before too long. As soon as I get a little better on the board I will post some pics or video.

BigMikesKites - 12-3-2010 at 02:56 PM

I picked one up and it is a great kite, but I really think it is too much for me. I haven't had but a couple days that the wind was light enough for me to feel comfortable with it.

Anyone need a very slightly used XT 8m. I might be persuaded into selling it.

indigo_wolf - 12-3-2010 at 03:18 PM

Oh Mike.... now why'd you have to go and post that.

Unrelated cousins are always trying to get you in trouble... sigh. :sniff:

Been trying to throttle back on purchases, and now this. Grumble, grumble, grumble.


BigMikesKites - 12-3-2010 at 03:51 PM

LOL, It has crossed my mind. I've got 35 mph winds here today. I actually flew a 2m Beamer today and got off the ground. Now getting my 275 off the ground is a feat indeed. And on a 2m. This was not on purpose mind you.


The 8m is beautiful. I love it, but I have so few customers locally to show this type kite to, that it doesn't make a bunch of sense to keep it for a demo kite.

And with my wind (Dallas) it won't get much air time unless it is the dead of summer. Then I'm melting out there.

Access XT 8m

powerkiter82 - 12-3-2010 at 06:06 PM

Mike, don't give up on it yet. It will take a little bit of time to get used to but in the end you won't regret it. I tried to fly mine in as many wind conditions as possible. Use your weight and lean back as far as you feel comfortable doing so. The Access is great even in light winds with enough movement. I will admit, I was slightly intimidated by the power at first, but who isn't. After all that is what keeps us from hurting ourselves. Try and get out and fly it as much as possible, and you will get used to how the kite handles. It is rated for up to around 30 mph but, I would safely say 20-25 is plenty. I had the most fun with mine from 8-20 mph. I have only had mine for about 3 months now and every time I take it out I learn to fly a little better each time. Ultimately the decision is yours, but I hate to see you give it up so quick.

BigMikesKites - 12-3-2010 at 06:37 PM

I'm not giving up, thats why it isn't posted in the for sale. But if someone asked for it, I wouldn't hold on to it. But i will give it a whirl every chance I get, but I really haven't had many 'safe' chances since I got it.

Access XT 8m

powerkiter82 - 12-3-2010 at 07:04 PM

I did not really think you were giving it up. The Access has a lot of power for its size but is an overall easy kite to get used too. Hopefully in time you will come to like the kite as much as I have. Good luck with getting some lighter wind days for learning the Access XT.