Power Kite Forum

Flysurfer Mixer info - Armin Himself

macboy - 6-2-2010 at 02:20 AM

I think Mike Dowie set these up from innovation days. Definitely worth sharing.....very illuminating not just for Flysurfer kites but all bridled foils to some degree.

Mixer Setup

Mixer Settings

manitoulinkiter1 - 6-2-2010 at 08:31 AM


That explains things to some degree.
I now feel knowledgable. If thats a word.


tridude - 6-2-2010 at 11:06 AM

nice..........................Powerzone breaks it down the same way..........................b-1cm c-2cm, and soft steering for you Arrows will have you out and upwind very early with increased stability....................I have my 12m and 10m set up the same way except hard steering setting on my 10m......................Buzz (aka Denise), Secondwind, and NWsurfskate also have experience with the mixers...............................,

DenisLaMenace - 6-2-2010 at 04:15 PM

very informative videos

then flysurfer just need to re-shoot them without all that background noise (music, baby, italian guy, camera moving all around):thumbup:

as for me, I only applied the mixer b-1,c-2 on the P4. for the Speed2 I like the kite as default (A=B=C=Z)