Nice style! I didn't know it was possible to control a kite on handles that way!Insect0man - 15-2-2010 at 08:38 PM
Ahhhh.... thanks for the idea! Forget the fields.... we've got a bazillion miles of country roads just east of Colorado Springs. Time for a recon
trip Houston AirHead - 15-2-2010 at 09:17 PM
thanks for the good comments guys, i really appreciate them.
roads are indeed fun, you just have to get into the habit of scanning about a mile or so in all directions every 20 or so seconds, cars have a habit
of sneeking up to you.
spacemonkey: i actually havent seen it done anywhere else neither, it only works well on short lines.
i know i wasnt wearing a helment and pads but on pavement, it would be a good idea. I just ordered pads from mbs along with new roadie tires and
thanks again guys and happy flying :bouncing:Kamikuza - 15-2-2010 at 09:48 PM
Cool thought of doing that here with the 'wing ... but the country
roads are usually of such crap quality oooh although now I think of it there a new one near my house with decent asphalt ...lunchbox - 15-2-2010 at 11:14 PM
Good kite control ;-) How fast was the wind blowing?zero gee - 15-2-2010 at 11:25 PM
Nice. Looks like a great way to spend a day.
Have you tried just rigging to one handle or a longer stick similar to this?
stetson05 - 15-2-2010 at 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Houston AirHead
i know i wasnt wearing a helment and pads but on pavement, it would be a good idea. I just ordered pads from mbs along with new roadie tires and
thanks again guys and happy flying :bouncing:
I have to agree and I am glad you mentioned it. I work in an ER and see too many nasty friction injuries and head injuries. Live to kite another
day. Nice technique with the handles. I have tried that with long lines but only failed quickly. I guess I can give up my ideas of building a
kitewing with pvc.
Don't need to anymore.Kamikuza - 15-2-2010 at 11:58 PM
stetson - I think a PVC framed kitewing would flex way too much to be useful ... the sail puts A LOT of force on the frame. Have a look at some of the
skiing vids on the web and notice how much the 7005 T6 alloy tubing is flexing still, IMHO, easier and cheaper just to buy one
If you want to DIY make something for short lines, try a NASA wing ...?Houston AirHead - 16-2-2010 at 09:24 AM
well belive it or not handles is the best control for one handed flying, it took me about a day to get the hang of it though.
Winds were blowing that day from 15-20.
Since the lines are so short you can actually change the AoA slightly to depower the kite when the gusts hit or if your trying to move up wind better.
(i see some kinks need to be worked out though
i used old LF lines 600# and just tied knots at connection points. (its ok im not jumping) .
when you fly one handed; you learn quickly how to distribute pressure to brake and power bridals
ps, you need the handles when you want to quickly land the kite when traffic comes around,THANKS AGAIN FOR THE COMMENTS:Ange09:Houston AirHead - 17-2-2010 at 01:59 PM