Power Kite Forum

WoW small kites are FAST

silvereaglekiter - 25-2-2010 at 04:50 PM

I don't know if it was the wind withdrawal or the new kite smell but first time out with my new 1.7 Sting was a blast.
Wind was 15-20 & chunky.
In clean 30s that thing will be a grate buggy engine.

To that end I am going to replace the handles I could feel the stock ones flex in the gusts. The lines that are with it are the 220lb x 18m flexe lines should I upgrade them to?

lets see this kite is fast, turns on a hair, is green & white
I dub this kite the zombie chihuahua :shocked2:

indigo_wolf - 25-2-2010 at 05:13 PM

Then Sting 1.2m in ~30+mph is a Spring Spaniel on meth. ;)

I believe FF recommends upgrading to their Xtreme lineset before using any of their small foils as high wind buggy engines.


heliboy50 - 25-2-2010 at 05:41 PM

Yep- Stronger lines and handles a must. I like the nick name too, Silver. Got's the same kite, can I roll the name too? Think the sting's fast- a 1m profoil is like a squirrell on crack. The first time I flew it I was laughing so hard I had to hand it off to my buddy.

Kamikuza - 25-2-2010 at 06:10 PM

I put my Vibe on a Flexifoil bar and it's just mental - so much for "trainer" kite!

silvereaglekiter - 25-2-2010 at 06:15 PM


Got's the same kite, can I roll the name too?


I think I'm going to be hitting Angus up for the Flexifoil ProLink Handles
those should work nicely

arkay - 25-2-2010 at 06:19 PM

do get new handles, the sting handles are very think rec handles. you'll bend and break them :) I haven't had problems with the lines in 20mph but it's sketchy.

heliboy50 - 25-2-2010 at 06:35 PM

The prolinks are nice, but are long and pretty heavy. Might be a little much for the sting. The PL shorts might be another good choice. The brake lines on the sting set are only like 165#. Pretty thin.

silvereaglekiter - 25-2-2010 at 07:01 PM

I wonder how the prolink handles match up in weight to my bamboo handles with are 18 inches long. they are currently on the kitesurfer & the 5m Npw

heliboy50 - 25-2-2010 at 07:17 PM

Maybe a little shorter, but lots heavier. Don't get me wrong- nice comfy handles, but pretty hefty.

bobalooie57 - 26-2-2010 at 06:18 AM

Hey silvereagle, those bamboo handles are sweet! Dija make 'em yourself? I've been flying my 7M NPW on some sched.40 pvc handles bent to order by a plumber friend, and yeah, I feel the flex in stronger wind. How does the bamboo hold up? Do you make extra for sale? Bring some to WW, I'm sure I'll buy some if I can make it there. Bob

silvereaglekiter - 26-2-2010 at 06:37 AM

they are solid as a rock. made out of bamboo flooring cut up & re-laminated with the curve built in. pics of building them are in hear

sadly i don't have access to a wood shop any more:no:

bobalooie57 - 26-2-2010 at 06:44 AM

Too bad, they're nice!