Power Kite Forum

New Kite .. Prism Tensor

DAKITEZ - 26-2-2010 at 02:59 PM

I just got my hands on one. I hope to fly it this weekend with my vapor, neo2, etc. Its been forever since I've flown. I did throw the kite up real quick in the front field and it flew well for the lousy conditions I have here. I have the 4.2m and will be giving a review after some time in on it.

I do see some flexifoil traits in it so lets hope it flies as well. I'm sure it will Prism makes great kites, but in the past they lacked the "power" department. From my quick 5 minute session today I think they fixed the lack of power problem. It comes with a bar that converts to handles. Great idea! that is what caught my attention at first. The kite comes fully lined up and ready to go on the bar. It has a kite killer attached to the bar to pull the brake lines in emergency and it has a top hat safety on the kite killer line to totally unhook from the kite. I like the safety features!

An added surprise was it has and adjustable AOA. I was not expecting that. The shape of the kite looks much like the bullet. The bullet was a solid kite so if the tensor flies like it looks it should be a solid engine.

Another bonus ... its a good looking kite. The bonus part being the lite weight white material is on the back of the kite and the graphics are on the front of the kite facing the pilot. So yeah if I look at my kite I don't have to see a plain white kite like many kites out there.

More to come soon ....

lad - 26-2-2010 at 03:50 PM

Hmmmm...I saw the teaser ad in the AKA Kiting magazine and just assumed it was yet another 2-line stunter!

With Prism's superior marketplace penetration in beach, flag and toy stores, these may supplant the Beamer as the #1 beginners foil.

indigo_wolf - 26-2-2010 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by lad
With Prism's superior marketplace penetration in beach, flag and toy stores, these may supplant the Beamer as the #1 beginners foil.

Given its price, it will be interesting to see if this is one of the kites that Prism puts through its mass market channels.

More info on the Tensor


awindofchange - 26-2-2010 at 04:18 PM

The Tensor is a pretty awesome kite, and the bar to handles setup is awesome. When in the handle mode - the handles have large winder ends on them so you can wind the lines right around the handles just like the surf kite bars.

Power is excellent on them, quite a huge step up from the Snapshot and Stylus line. All of the Tensor's are true quad line power kites. We have been using them for a couple weeks now and they are very nicely made with great performance and stability.

Oh, and the bag is awesome! I would love to get my hands on a bunch of the bags for my other kites!

lad - 26-2-2010 at 04:24 PM

They only seem to cost a few dollars more than equivalent sized Beamers - and have some extra goodies too. Guess they'll be some at NABX?

revpaul - 27-2-2010 at 11:37 AM

Never tried a foil of Prism's but i have many of their dual line deltas. Prism is my favorite for quality build, fly-ability, durability, and service on all ranges including their lower priced beginner stuff.
- i've had some beginner kites from other manufacturers that flew well enough at the time but I can't, for the life of me, get them adjusted/flying now. Maybe i'm just spoiled.
I wonder... if the Tensor does well enough will Prism make a more advanced high AR kite?


pigryder - 27-2-2010 at 04:24 PM

that looks fun

Jovver - 27-2-2010 at 04:34 PM

Kinda OT, but the new Quantum's look pretty awesome as well. Anyone know if the flying chars are better than the older model? I may have to upgrade mine eventually...

teelzy - 15-4-2010 at 06:27 PM

Any more word on how the 4.2 is?

DAKITEZ - 15-4-2010 at 06:48 PM

I haven't had it out again. Hopefully this weekend.

teelzy - 15-4-2010 at 08:44 PM

Cool, looking forward to some more info. Best of luck and I'll be wishing some good winds down to ya :)

xsv21 - 7-6-2010 at 10:36 PM

Telle what kind of lift you can get out of it, I'm looking to pick up a tensor 5m myself

DAKITEZ - 7-6-2010 at 10:38 PM

still don't have much time on the kite, but I doubt you will get much lift from the tensor

Kamikuza - 7-6-2010 at 10:39 PM

Always puzzled me why the cool graphics are on the wrong side :dunno:

highsticken - 11-6-2010 at 10:08 AM

I have the 3 and the 5 meter . both are a blast . They are my first power kites . East to fly and relaunch . I have the smaller one on the handles . Real easy to control and lands like a dream . I have the 5 on the bar and in heavy winds it can be too strong . in 12-15 its awesome and always draws a crowd . There is nothing I dont like about prism kites .

Nycteris - 21-7-2010 at 08:16 AM

I've never had a "real" power kite, and I'm thinking this looks like a good first kite, with the bar-to-handles option it has going.

Or... is there a "newbie looking to buy a first kite" thread that I didn't find?

Anyway, that looks like a great kite!

Katalyzt - 6-8-2010 at 09:03 AM

I've had my 5m Tensor for about a month now and I love it! I have held back on giving a full review since I can only fly it sitting down since I have a broken leg at the moment.

It does produce quite a bit of power since I'm often butt scuddling all the way across the field in just moderate winds. However, it depowers awesomely when needed. I usually have it set up on handles and fly it more like one of my delta stunt kites and it's a blast.

Have fun and enjoy!

First timer

Son of Caerus - 19-8-2010 at 12:38 AM

A friend of mine introduced me to power kites a while back and I've been wanting to get one ever since. The prism tensor will be my first. I will post again on what I think as a beginner and what my more experienced friend thought.

BTW - very cool board!

DAKITEZ - 19-8-2010 at 12:45 AM

Welcome to the forum!

What size did you get?

Son of Caerus - 20-8-2010 at 09:33 AM

Well I'm not sure now. I ordered the 4 but I got an email yesterday stating that they were out of stock and that they would give me the 5 at no extra charge. Problem is it is very windy where I live and I am new to this so I asked to go down to the 3 instead. I haven't gotten a response back yet.... So I guess the answer to your question is: ????.

Son of Caerus - 20-8-2010 at 01:48 PM

Just got word back and I am getting the 3.1. I think it will be a great first kite!

DAKITEZ - 20-8-2010 at 02:36 PM

I have a 4m here in stock if you want to get the kite you actually want and not whatever the place you got it from has or can get drop shipped to you. :saint:

awindofchange - 20-8-2010 at 02:40 PM

We have full stock on all sizes as well. If the shop you are buying from is going to drop you down to the smaller size, make sure they give you a refund for the difference. The 3.1 is still a great kite and should do well for you, especially if you are indeed in a location that has stronger winds.

Son of Caerus - 20-8-2010 at 07:16 PM

I think the reason I am not too bummed about it is b/c we do have strong winds here. I will probably pick up a second kite down the road anyway. Thank you both for offeing to get me the 4.2, I appreciate it. I wish I would have realized that you guys had shops of your own, I would have bought from one of you in the first place (next time I guess). Thanks for all the info and support. I'll let you guys know how the 3.1 does here!

Son of Caerus - 23-8-2010 at 06:27 PM

First test flight lasted all of 30 seconds. Cut short by a thunderstorm.

WIllardTheGrey - 24-8-2010 at 12:24 AM

Smarter than Benjamin Franklin.;):lol: It's a good start.

Son of Caerus - 24-8-2010 at 01:13 PM

Thought I posted this already but apparently there was afluke with the computer....

Got an hour of flight time in this morning before the winds died down. I was using the bar not the handles b/c I figure baby steps right? To use the 'Drewculous' wind meter I had Gravy winds that tapered off to crappy by the end. I am Loving the Tensor 3.1. It has good pull in a gust, but it was still really easy to control. I especially appreciate how well it recovers (very important to a newbie like me). Other than a few hard nose dives into the turf, still geting the hang of it, It was a BLAST. I highly recommend the Tensor to a first timer. Hopefully I'll get my wife to come out soon to take some pics. Great first (or second) flight!

awindofchange - 24-8-2010 at 01:15 PM

Awesome, glad you had such a great time....you do realize that this is only the beginning. (he he he)

fstmxr - 28-8-2010 at 08:40 AM

Hi I am waiting for my 4.2 Tensor it arrive to my door, I am new to the sport as well. I have flew my friends 4.5 little devil and his new Beammer 3 a few times, I got the hang of that one pretty quick, So I am interested in getting my Tensor 4.2 and trying that one. Again, I am a beginner, but I have flowen the Beammer and I will shortly give you a beginners perspective on the Tensor compared to the others.
BTW thank you Midgaar for showing me this post.
Happy Flying!

LunchLadiesMan - 4-9-2010 at 02:06 PM

I've got a Tensor 5.0m and like it quite a bit having moved from a 2.5m Prism Snapshot in a 2 line configuration. Spent a bunch of time flying it this morning, winds choppy 2-6mph with 12-14mph gusts. Has great pull through the window and found out the hard way it has lift too. I didn't think it would pull me up in these winds but I had it up high about 65degress right of the zenith and ended up being lifted and dropped on my shoulder and head. I was having trouble keeping the kite in the air at times so I did not expect to be taken airborne.

Though looking at this post http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=14514&p... (tryin to jump, am i doin it wrong? [video]) it seems I was unknowingly doing what was in the 2nd video. I had the kite up on the edge of the window and was running to the right in order to pull the kite away from some benches. I highly recommend viewing the post above just to familiarize yourself with this type of jumping. At the very least so you would know what to avoid doing in order to reduce lift potential. Would have been nice to know this morning...:no:
And also, wear your helmet even if the winds don't seem to be very strong. Another bit of advice that would have been nice to have followed this morning...:no::no::piggy:

Kober - 10-12-2010 at 11:21 PM

I have 3m... and it was my firs kite that I play with on bar and handles... last week me and few friends drive 2h to the beach.... all of them wants to try !!! ...... there was one problem.... gusty winds up to 35 mph..... and.... we have so much fun....... whole beach full of foot tracks.... and for a first time i got some jumps on his kite !!!! awesome !!!! love idea of bar/handles control... adjustable AOA on kite ... I did fly it on very low wind.... like 3mph.... no pull..... but it flies !!!!

ApexxMonty - 29-1-2011 at 10:14 PM

I had the opportunity to fly the Prism Tensor 4.2m. I did'nt fly with the bar because Im a fixed bridle person so flew it on handles. I was at a local soccor field and with all of the rain we've had, it was way muddy. I did'nt bother to take out the buggy. I was afraid I would never see it again. Well that and I didn't want to wreck the turf.
Soggy ground isn't a bad place to you scud on. The winds were lumpy with peaks at 9 mph. The Tensor works great on handles. It's a smooth kite to fly. I would pick this kite over a HQ Beamer or a Peter Lynn Hornet or Vipor (and that's coming from a true blue PL man). This is powerful kite with the added advantage of having AOA (adjustable angle of attack). The AOA makes setting the kite up for the wind you are flying in, a piece of cake. It is well built and I anticipate, it will last a long time for some one starting out. I started with a Prism P3 and still have it although I dont fly it too much anymore. You need to learn about the AOA to take advantge of it . You will be able to use the Tensor series of kites for a lot of flying. It is a good all around kite at a reasonable price.