Power Kite Forum

note to self...

Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 08:17 AM

so i got my biggie montana in on friday... but had to make an "emergency" run halfway accross Nebraska for my mom... new job... moving... not emergency, but you get the idea... no time to fly

anyway... que sunday... 10ish winds... no gusts really... just lulled between 5mph, and 15mph all morning, not bad, little cold, bout 30 degrees... my field, which got so much admiration from my summer jumping pics, is GARBAGE!! patchy, hard snow, low spots that have filled with water and have nice "crusts" of ice on top, water underneath... ugh...

I'd get rollin, hit some snow and stop. flat stop... not fun... more than i'd like to admit to, id get screaming along, hit a patch of snow, and the board would stay, and i'd keep going... icy ground hurts...

All in all-- i like the montana-- a lot, i think i'll have a blast on it once we either get more snow, or more sun... but until then... note to all of my fellow fliers... icy ground, and repeated falls into said ground... for 3 or 4 hours... hurts

funny side note.. my board had a 1/2 inch coat of ice on it when i left, lol

power - 1-3-2010 at 09:32 AM

Maybe you should make a note to yourself to get a snowboard:yawn:

pigryder - 1-3-2010 at 10:10 AM

I made the mistake of not taking the ATB with me to the park yesterday, not enough snow for the board but I think there was enough grass for the ATB :alien: ended up just static flying with the wifey

Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by power
Maybe you should make a note to yourself to get a snowboard:yawn:

not enough snow for the snowboard... it was like 50/50 mix wet/kinda icy grass... and week old 1" deep hard snow... not good conditions at all... but still a good learning experience with the kite!

indigo_wolf - 1-3-2010 at 11:48 AM

You can get a surplus flamethrower for bargain prices depending on the time of year. :rolleyes:

Dry that field right out. :wink2: :wee:

Alas... being Monday morning, alternate uses would be too tempting. :saint:


Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by indigo_wolf
You can get a surplus flamethrower for bargain prices depending on the time of year. :rolleyes:

Dry that field right out. :wink2: :wee:

Alas... being Monday morning, alternate uses would be too tempting. :saint:


i actually have a type of flamethrower i made a few years back... a big potato gun.. fires dry dairy creamer over an open flame... makes a freakin hooj mushroom cloud!! :smilegrin:

pigryder - 1-3-2010 at 02:03 PM

Drew how you liking the Montana so far? I know mine really frustrated me a few times but prior to those few times I had no experience at all :yes:

Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 03:57 PM

well, the 3 or so hours i have on it so far... i like the kite... i just couldnt do a whole lot with it on sunday (cr@ppy field/crappy wind/ the usual Nebraska weather)

I like it tho... seems to have a ton of depower... nice kite... i had slowish winds so i couldnt get it screamin, but it seems pretty nimble for a big kite... as far as set up and flight... its eerily similar to my phantom (cleat system and all) light bar feel... meh pros and cons there for me... the light bar is nice, but i find myself bringing in the bar involuntarily quite often... i dont think i was ever frustrated by it, other than packing it up in the conditions i was in... well, sucked... cold, rainy/snowy/ish on watery/icy ground... and WTF?? no stake? I noticed it in my HQ product guide i got last year... in the listed RTF accessories... it doesnt mention a stake... i figured it was a typo... but no stake! Meh, one good thing about soccer goals i guess... in a pinch, they work well as a kite stake :smilegrin:

i really want to get out and try it in some more ideal conditions... seems like it will be a welcomed addition to my quiver, and prolly one of the most used... once the summer lulls start to creep in, i think i'll be ridin' still... if not... i just gotta save up for a 19m FS :o ... nothin like poppin jumps in no wind, lol

Maven454 - 1-3-2010 at 04:07 PM

Yeah, no one includes stakes with their depower kites as far as I'm aware.

indigo_wolf - 1-3-2010 at 04:12 PM

HQ includes a stake with some of their FB kites, I guess they figure by the time you have moved onto depower, you have a fairly hefty stash of them.

If you buy them in bulk :rolleyes:, it's a fairly moot point.


Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 04:17 PM

the neo is listed as having one?

i just forgot my daddy stake (3/4" steel nail stake... and my 8# sledge to drive it :smilegrin: ) on sunday, and the ground was too hard for any mere plastic stake... even my corkscrew stake wasnt a match for the frozen ground

not a big deal... thats just the only issue i had with the kite... and its pretty minimal

Maven454 - 1-3-2010 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Drewculous
the neo is listed as having one?

HQ does not list the Neo 2 as coming with one.

Drewculous - 1-3-2010 at 04:20 PM

neo 1 did... i havent seen the #2 product sheet
the Apex 2 is also without... maybe HQ figured only the neo1 needed it :puzzled:

Drewculous - 2-3-2010 at 04:02 PM

got to check out some low-end on the m4/12.5... it wont fly in 0mph wind... it will, however, fly in ANYTHING above it tho... as far as riding... the ever-so-soft breath of wind that was had today, wasnt enough to board :no:

a good dive into the middle of the window generated enough power for me to lose my footing in the mud... i got "kiters-mud-butt" :lol: makes for good work conversations

pigryder - 2-3-2010 at 06:05 PM

Drew thats great man, your right about anything above 0mph :thumbup: