Power Kite Forum

Synergy wind range?

Kamikuza - 4-3-2010 at 06:35 PM

If I were to put my weight into the calculation engine HERE, what ranges would I get for the Synergys?

zero gee - 4-3-2010 at 06:56 PM

He hasn't added the Syns to the calculation. It appears he has stopped at the Scorps. You might want to contact him to see if he could add it.

Kamikuza - 4-3-2010 at 11:12 PM

I just guessed he didn't have the data for it ... if we could find what he used for the Scrops etc then we could reverse engineer it ...?

Kamikuza - 5-3-2010 at 12:13 AM

And the guy who did the calculator :yes: found this doing random search for "peter lynn synergy wind range" ... hail, mx5alan!


geokite - 5-3-2010 at 08:02 AM

How would one interpret those numbers for the buggy? Or would that be too surface dependent?

herc - 5-3-2010 at 01:48 PM

@geokite: you have all the synergies, and even a 6m charger! so you could probably answer your question better than i can, but i would say:

because a buggy has much bigger wheels, you would get going even earlier than on a mountainboard. so pobably you can subtract 2 knots from the results of the calculator and have the apropriate buggy values...

btw., you have a CHARGER ! please, could you make some videos ? it must turn blazingly fast! and - why do you have a 6m? i tought they are not in production yet?

awindofchange - 5-3-2010 at 02:04 PM

The 6m is in full production, we have them in stock.

geokite - 5-3-2010 at 03:30 PM

The only synergy I've used in the buggy is the 10 and 8m. The 10 was used in marginal winds, and when I had the 8 up I should have had the 6m phantom up. Not very much experience with them in the buggy.

Most landboarding is jumping, as far as I can tell. So I would gather that those wind ranges are geared for the best wind range allowing one to jump. From my experience jumping with a landboard, for the most part, requires a bigger kite than buggying (especially on a dry lake bed).

The low end of a buggy is lower than a landboard, but at the high end the landboarder would just keep the kite up high (a buggy pilot gets lifted out in the same wind at speed if they were to try to bring the kite overhead).

I've only flown the 6m charger once, been really busy with a new house. I'll try to get some video of it at NABX or sooner if possible. Got it from Angus; I missed out on the 6m Syn, so I pounced on this when it showed up on his site. Small arcs are the best on dry lake beds.

You have a 7m Scorpion? Now that is a rare kite! Even Blake never saw one of those over here when he was the distributor.

herc - 6-3-2010 at 02:31 AM

and th 7sqm scorp is a FAST one (and a hard to launch one). i have some videos at http://www.youtube.com/hercion