Power Kite Forum

Alameda, CA - Boardsports School?

macboy - 5-3-2010 at 10:07 AM

Anyone know anything about these guys? Sounds like a good place to go further my lessons on the return from NABX. Rumor has it that they have exclusive rights to teaching at Alameda which sounds like a great - beginner friendly location.

awindofchange - 5-3-2010 at 12:19 PM

Not sure about them as I haven't ever had any dealings with them at all. If they won't work with you or you don't feel comfortable, you may want to give Traig a call at Monkey Air Kitesurfing. His school is located in Malibu but he teaches all up and down the coast wherever there is wind (and people who want to learn). He also teaches on the Peter Lynn's as well as Inflatables so you can have your choice on what you want to use.

We have had a lot of people go through his school and every one of them had great things to say about it. His info can be found at www.monkeyair.com

Just to give you another option if needed.

macboy - 5-3-2010 at 03:46 PM

Thanks Kent! I called him and will do what I can to make that happen. I can't imagine how perfect it would be to learn from an Arc user! I called Boardsports this morning and had to give the same answer when asked if I had my own gear - "I do but for the sake of your instructors it's likely better if I use the gear you teach with unless you have any Arc fliers in your staff list."

thelaserman - 12-4-2010 at 12:04 PM

i am an instructor for boardsports school. If you are still interested in taking lessons with us let me know. While we normally teach on sle kites, we can possibly make an exception to let you use your plynns. I have a little plynn experiance and fly a speed 2 19, so i have foil experiance. if you have any questions. shoot me a pm or email me. thelaserman36 at gmail.com

art_lessing - 12-4-2010 at 01:08 PM

do you guys see any buggys out there ever?

BeamerBob - 12-4-2010 at 01:15 PM

I plan on going to the beach at Alameda and will also scope out the beach for buggy conditions.

thelaserman - 12-4-2010 at 02:07 PM

yeah no go for buggies. the beach is pretty narrow, with a steep 3 ft drop off. the beach is always packed with people and we are only allowed to fly kites on the beach while launching/ landing and teaching lessons. they also allow practice with trainer kites. so you may be able to get away with some static flying. on a very low tide, i have been tempted to go buggy or landboard in the flats, but its still a pretty small area. there is also a pretty decenct sized field, that i like to scudd on, but again i think to small for a buggy. If anyone is coming down let me know, i live down the st from the beach and pretty much kite every day theirs wind (and im not working on my 47 cj2a)

macboy - 12-4-2010 at 03:56 PM

Sorry we missed you guys on the way through - there was no wind according to my sources so we plowed on through. We'll be back to see you all. That's a PROMISE!