Power Kite Forum

Kitesurfing with a HQ Beamer.

WIllardTheGrey - 7-3-2010 at 12:02 AM

I was looking for videos to show a certain reckless beginner the power of the Beamers, but I thought this deserved its own thread.
Wow, just wow.

cheezycheese - 7-3-2010 at 12:15 AM


Kamikuza - 7-3-2010 at 12:31 AM

Wow that's awesome! :thumbup:

My mother lives about 5 minutes walk from the Botany Bay beach, I think just north of where they are, going by the background ... might have to go see her - with a bag full of kites ... "Hi mum nice to see you haven't seen you for ooh like 5 years nice beach might try some kitesurfing be back after dark" :D

BoneHeadGolf - 7-3-2010 at 07:43 AM

Did anyone else hear what I heard at 1:42? It's hard to hear what she said over the wind but if you listen very very closely you will something about her whoha. :smilegrin:

Houston AirHead - 7-3-2010 at 10:57 AM

did the yellow beame make that board sail thing fall, HAHAHAHAhAHAHAAAAA

stetson05 - 7-3-2010 at 09:53 PM

almost looked like he could reverse launch off the water. Oh and the board sail thing is a windsurfer:crazy::lol:

B-Roc - 8-3-2010 at 06:59 AM

The yellow beamer guy needs to invest in a better harness. That back strap thing was awful. Cool video though.

lunchbox - 8-3-2010 at 09:59 AM

Reminds me of the time I brought my 3.5 Ozone Cult to Lake Isabella...gusty conditions blowing to 25mph...but had a nice 50ft forward and backwark tack on my 11ft longboard. Next time I go I'm definitely bringing my harness (don't ask me about the water start...had to run to the board) and definitely getting it on film!!!

Nice to see someone else trying it...