Power Kite Forum

Welshman wanting to FLY!

chippa37 - 14-6-2005 at 08:56 AM

Hi guys,

Just bought myself a Peter Lynn Rebble 2.5 4-string. Is this adequate for getting my in the air? Tried it yesterday in 10mph and it dragged me a few feet round the field. Todays looking stronger wind, and tomorrow is definately 16mph, woooo hoooo!!!

Unfortunately i've only flown stunt kites before and have no idea how to get into the air.

Anyone recommend me some action to progress my fun with this kite?

Your help is muchly appreciated.


Scoopy - 14-6-2005 at 01:13 PM

Your not going to get air on a 2.5 rebble unless its blowing something like 50+. If you want off the ground, first off, you need to get complete control over the kite, even while under power. Learn your rebble well. Then you can step up to a 4 meter blade from flexi or a riot from ozone, and get used to it. When your really ready to start jumping, you need something 5+ meters, preferrably (cant spell) between 6-8 meters.


sandfly - 16-6-2005 at 12:48 PM

Depends how heavy you are! I'm not into jumping, but my 5'2" 6+ stn 12yr old son jumps with a stiff breeze on a 1.7m Speedy 2!

The other day we had him tethered to a 4.9 blade 2 in a gusting to 30+ wind - see http://www.sidcot.org.uk/kite/ for pics. Before the pics he (feet) got to about 12' . All of this WITHOUT jumping! This was at Uphill on the otherside of the water from you with a turbulent off-shore wind over the dunes :-)


http://www.kitezone.co.uk/powerkiting/pkamenu.html for some good info. - hit the Jumping Button!

At 15stn the blade will lift me with ease if I let it.
When not trying to buggy I like to skud (feet on the ground!) Using the blade or my 2.3 Vampire.

Don't kill yourself :-)
Kind regrads

If your at Uphill, Club night it Tuesdays, Drop in to the wind zone :-)

sandfly - 16-6-2005 at 01:10 PM

Hi Scoopy,

Just to let you know that the link in your signature is wrong!


http://mysite.verizon.net/vze7sh41/powerkites/ The button works though! :-)
