Power Kite Forum

6.6 or 8.5 blade

Jarrett - 15-6-2005 at 09:16 PM

I recently bought a 4.0m blade, and have been having much success jumping with it. I want to get something bigger now, and I think I've decided on getting the 6.6m or the 8.5m blade. Can anybody tell me the differences between them? Also, I weigh about 170 pounds.

rob87 - 14-7-2005 at 09:22 AM

Personally, I would go for the 8.5 blade. the 6.5 could slightly overlap with your 4.0.

If you got the 6.5 it wouldnt be long before you wanted more power...it's the way it always is!

Use the 4.0 for the high winds, and the 8.5 for low winds, and you should be fine. Just dont take the 8.5 straight out in 30mph! lol.

rob87 - 14-7-2005 at 09:22 AM

Personally, I would go for the 8.5 blade. the 6.6 could slightly overlap with your 4.0.

If you got the 6.6 it wouldnt be long before you wanted more power...it's the way it always is!

Use the 4.0 for the high winds, and the 8.5 for low winds, and you should be fine. Just dont take the 8.5 straight out in 30mph! lol.