Power Kite Forum

Red Dry Lake, NW AZ

CrashLama - 16-6-2005 at 07:23 PM

Red dry lake is located in northwestern Arizona between Kingman AZ and Las Vegas NV, east of US highway 93. To get there take Pierce Ferry Rd. (Mohave Co. 25) east from US 93. 6.3 miles from US 93 is Dolan Springs. There are markets, a gas station and post office there. 15.4 miles from Dolan Springs turn right (south) on Stockton Hill Rd (Mohave Co. 20). Take Stockton Hill Rd. 7 miles to the edge of the lake bed.

The playa surface is slightly softer than some other playas so try and drive near the shore to where you want to camp. This will keep the tire tracks in the middle of the lake to a minimun where it is smoothest.

Here are some pics I took at Red dry lake.

Looking Southeast from Stockton Hill Rd.

Looking South from Red dry lake

Looking East from Red dry lake