So my oldest son's birthday is just over two months away. I have been thinking of getting a kite for him so that he can get started early. The trouble
is that I don't really know where to start with someone that only weighs 60lbs. I have narrowed it down to a 1.5 or 2 meter kite but unsure of weather
or not to get two line on either handles or bar, or a 4-line on handles. Also looking into a three line on bar so that he can learn the relaunch
aspect while still being on bar. What would you guys recommend???bigkid - 25-3-2010 at 08:25 PM
It would depend on what you fly, father like son. I got a 2m Legend for my grandsons to learn on, crash and burn, no big deal. Now my oldest, 8 years
old, fly's a 15m NPW9.
Kite killers on a 2nd hand 2m, 4 line kite is a good place for you to teach him to fly in low winds. IMHOBeamerBob - 25-3-2010 at 09:40 PM
I agree on the 2m 4 line. a 3m can be fine if the winds are low. My boys started out on a 2 line delta then graduated with me to the 2 line symphony
and then to the 3m beamer. Both started about at about 8 years with controllable kites. By 12, Wexler was flying 9.5m Montanas and whatever else
was around. Jared is 10 now and manhandling the 3m beamer and hopped on a landboard this past weekend. Jared actually was flying my 5m crossfire II
in very sedate winds at 8 yrs old and really enjoyed it. The big thing is to not have them flying too much kite for the winds. You will have to
regulate that because most boys like being dragged around and out of control. :wee:indigo_wolf - 25-3-2010 at 10:12 PM
You could always split the difference and pick up the Sting 1.7 that Brad is selling. .
It is on Handles. However, if you want, you could put it on a Peter Lynn bar.
The PL bar allows you to adjust the brake trim on the fly and reverse launch by pulling on the brake strap.
SamKrohn1999 - 25-3-2010 at 11:26 PM
Ozone Imp Quattro in 1.5 or 2m Flow on Handles, Your son can learn to fly it (and he will very fast) and you have a nice storm kite.
Kids learn at warp speed so give him a 4 liner right away he can handle it.lives2fly - 26-3-2010 at 04:01 AM
I got my 8 year old neice flying a flexifoil buzz quite happily.
Would say that 2 line is the best place to start for basic Kite control.BigMikesKites - 26-3-2010 at 04:17 AM
Peter Lynn Vibe. Hands down. My favorite out of the bunch is a 1.9.
There is noticeable pull so they know they are flying something, but it won't drag them to doom on a really windy day. It is something they can fly
themselves once they learn. I sell alot of these and have the 1.3, 1.9, and 2.3 I keep for myself for demo's.
They are quick to put out and take down.
They can graduate to a 2m 4 line depending on the wind. But my 12 yr olds will get dragged pretty good by a 2m in a wind and I still wouldn't allow
them to fly one without myself around. Get the 2m for yourself for higher wind days and occasionally break it out on lighter days for them to fly.
You will see how they do on it and when they are ready. In the meantime, they will be safe and have fun with the Vibe.
My two boys started flying at ages 6 and 8 (now 8 and 10) and they started on a 1.2 4 line Sting on handles and later picked up a 1.5 Lil Devil, 4
line on handles. I will likely pick them up a 2m soon. Both fly on handles with killers. Its easier to teach them when their is enough wind for
them to fly which means we go out on higher wind days which means they like the smaller kites.
My 2.5 was more than they could handle in 10 mphish winds. You want to introduce him to the sport in a way that he will enjoy it and not be scared or
hurt. I'd say something between 1.5 and 2m and nothing over 2m to start with (not that he couldn't fly it but you don't want him to have to work the
heck out of it and then drop it when over powered). A smaller kite in better winds will lead to more joy then a bigger kite with a limited wind
window for a youngster.
Of course if he gets serious, you'll have to move him up and get another kite, which is exactly what I'm doing but I was fine for 1 year with a 1.2
and then another year with a 1.5 and now I'll get a 2m and they can use my 2.5 if comfortable.
The Sting was a great kite for them to learn on. Stable, durable and easily relaunchable.stetson05 - 26-3-2010 at 07:33 AM
my kids 5 and 8 fly my 1.4 HQ symphony that I converted to 3 line and put on a bar. My 8 year old can fly my 3m legend in the right winds. I got him
a hydra 300 and then powerzone added a depower kit to try and get him out in higher winds. He weighs about 50 lbs. The 5 year old weighs about 45
lbs and can fly the symphony but always crashes. She loves it though.Drewculous - 26-3-2010 at 11:35 AM
my vote is an impulse or hornet :dunno:
both are great... impulse for the 2-line bar... or hornet for handles... aim for a small one, and watch the winds!!BigMikesKites - 26-3-2010 at 01:52 PM
His kid weighs 60 lbs...
The symphony or Vibe is the right direction to take. The kid will grow...the kite will too.B-Roc - 26-3-2010 at 02:08 PM
I would go with a four line kite. Kids will figure it out real quick and they can always resort to just doing pull turns.
They and especially you will appreciate the relaunchability of a four line kite.Drewculous - 26-3-2010 at 02:34 PM
i like the 1.5 or 2.0 hornet.... gives him room to grow into it, and will make a great high wind kite down the road too... nothing against you
Akulakat, but i always thought the symphonies were kinda ugly.... personal opinion, i like HQ, but not the color orgy on that kite
if two line is where you want to be, the vibe is a good kite too... prolly much less pull then the hornetBeamerBob - 26-3-2010 at 02:36 PM
graphics aside, the symphony is a very fast kite that is a blast to fly. And you can hand it to most anyone in sane conditions and they will have fun
with it. It can be tougher to relaunch from nose down than a 4 line kite. That adds some hassle factor.WELDNGOD - 26-3-2010 at 02:48 PM
when I was eight it was a batwing or a eye spy single line delta..
Man I feel old......:puzzled:arkay - 26-3-2010 at 02:53 PM
Originally posted by indigo_wolf
You could always split the difference and pick up the Sting 1.7 that Brad is selling. .
Drewculous - 26-3-2010 at 02:56 PM
Originally posted by arkay
Originally posted by indigo_wolf
You could always split the difference and pick up the Sting 1.7 that Brad is selling. .
i'm trying to get a buddy of mine to buy one from that listing lol!
that would be a good place to start for an 8 yo thodoneski - 26-3-2010 at 03:16 PM
I vote for anything with handles if they're going to be land/snow based.
When you panic it's easier to let go of a handle than trying to find and pull the quick release. Even if they forget to let go of a handle, sooner or
later it will get yanked out of their hands if they are being dragged.Jaymz - 26-3-2010 at 09:20 PM
What? No love for the HQ Rush 3? My 11 year old (85 lbs) loves his Rush3 250 (2.0sq.m) The 200 is 1.3 sq.m and might be a good trainer for an 8 year
old. My son started with an HQ Syphony 1.8 before the Rush. That kite took a beating and is still flying.shaggs2riches - 27-3-2010 at 05:14 AM
Thanks guys!!
I decided that he might be okay with a small (under 2m) four line kite. I was thinking the peter lynn vibe as a two line option but want him to enjoy
relaunching the kite. Just thinking that if he can't relaunch it he might get bored of it and walk away. Handles definitely seem the way to go here,
but will look into a 1.5m version of my Ozone Imp 3-line on a bar, for simplicity sake. When I asked him last night if he wanted a kite for his
birthday he said, "maybe you can get me a tiny Scorpion like yours then I can jump really high". " Maybe one day son but for now lets teach you how to
fly a kite where you won't get hurt" lol.
Anyway thanks for the advice and I will keep you guys posted.
ShaggsBigMikesKites - 27-3-2010 at 05:25 AM
Peter Lynn has a 1.5m Hornet which will fit what you are looking for.