Power Kite Forum


DesertWindKiteboarding - 28-3-2010 at 03:06 PM

Hey all,
This is just one last reminder to any AZ or SW kiters that Desert Wind Kiteboarding is throwing a FREE 2010 kite demo event at Kendrick Park in Flagstaff, Arizona this April 3. It looks like we will have kites and gear from a few different companies including Epic Kites and F–One Kiteboarding.

The snow has been great this season and so has the wind. What's more, the forecast looks good for wind and some new snow should fall just before the event.

Intermediate to advanced kiters will be able to try as much demo gear as they like, while beginners will be able to take intro courses and fly trainer kites. There will also likely be some gear swapping going on, so come if you are looking for anything or may want to sell something. We are going to try to have a BBQ on hand for a group lunch.

Where: Kendrick Park, Flagstaff, AZ. 30 Min north of Flagstaff on Hwy 180.
When: Sat, April 3 from 11-4.
Cost: FREE!

Contact Traveler for more info at:
907 299 1119