First time out with v2 13m today. Launch went good enough, wind wasn't great; maybe 7 gusting to 16 with lulls. I was having some issues with
overflying, there would be times the kite was well behind me if I let it get there. Just static flying, and I know these kites are made to have
someone move, but I've seen enough vids to know it isn't supposed to overfly this much. Set-up was pretty default. I tried playing with the strap to
see how that would affect it, and didn't notice a lot of difference in overflying problem. Is it just that the wind was too choppy? Auto-zenith worked
in that it had no problem getting there, but required constant poking. I'm thinking this is a wind issue, but it there any way to compensate for
overflying in lightish wind or in general? At one point it overflew so much that I developed a ton of slack in the lines, and the kite inverted. Any
tips, thanks.herc - 30-3-2010 at 02:49 AM
cjules: what bar do you use ? long throw bar?
had the same problem with my synergy 10 sqm. on a long throw naish SLE helix tube kite 2009 bar. wind was also extremely gusty.
would be interesting to know what happens with tubekites in the same wind. probably the tubekite would "hindenburg" / frontstall.
i could avoid overflying by keeping quite some backline tension or keeping the kite low at the edge of the window... strange thing is, that the pl
scorpions never did overfly me, even in the worst of the winds. in arcusers mailing list group, it was also suggested to keep the kite a bit powered
to avoid overflying.
maybe we have to bear with overflying with the more efficient kites. of course, you could put extreme reflex into the profile, but that would
drastically reduce the power of the kite...BigMikesKites - 30-3-2010 at 04:10 AM
I had the same problem with a 12m Synergy. Below 10, it would behave oddly at zenith. After 10 mph it would just go up and sit. A center strap
adjustment either direction would position it directly overhead instead of behind or in front of me.
Hope this helps.herc - 30-3-2010 at 04:56 AM
aha - thanks mike! then i will play around with the center trap. must have something todo with the profile.action jackson - 30-3-2010 at 04:59 AM
Center strap mid, end straps 3/4 I found is the best combo for me............ajPHREERIDER - 30-3-2010 at 05:37 AM
sounds like a wind issue,
when the wind surge hits, pull in hard so it falls back into the window
a luffing depowered arc hit by a gust wants to fly to the edge quickly and can push over the top, by pulling in adds a TE/wing low pressure that
pulls it back.
trim to full power and it will add back line tension which will do the same , but with super gusty stuff still has to be watched and input added.Jovver - 30-3-2010 at 08:13 AM
"would be interesting to know what happens with tubekites in the same wind. probably the tubekite would "hindenburg" / frontstall."
That is exactly what happens. I've been out in gusty, inconsistent winds and this happens a lot. You really have to work the kite and be ready to
vary the brake line tension if the wind picks up or suddenly dies. My Fuels love to frontstall when they are at zenith and you have minimal brake
tension. The kite catches a little bit of wind, then overshoots and when the the wind suddenly dies, you have a hindenburg on your hands for sure. I
always pull the safety when this happens because a few times, the wind will pick back up, the kite will catch the wind as it falls and catches right
in the middle of the powerzone. This really only happens at the bottom of the wind range though. If this happens more than a few times, I default to
the Flow which can be worked much easier.PHREERIDER - 30-3-2010 at 08:27 AM
when all line tension is lost the only thing to do ,
RUN! upwind, then fly back into controlbmor - 30-3-2010 at 08:29 AM
I've experienced the same thing with my 16m Venom2 and 16m Crossbow when trying to fly at the lowest end of the wind range and the wind is gusty, as
in almost shutting off then coming on again. Once the wind fills in everything settles down.power - 30-3-2010 at 09:34 AM
Gusty conditions make tube kites overfly a lot. When the kite is at the zenith you can pull the bar in to stall it out somewhat. If it overflies,
before it collapses, try to dive it left or right and walk in the opposite durection. The kite will go down the side of the window and then continue
the loop back into the power zone. I don't have experience doing this method with arcs but I use this method with LEIs.