Power Kite Forum

It's a MONSTER ... too

Kamikuza - 4-4-2010 at 01:30 AM

Pansch Ace 12m ... I'm sure it's Chinese for "Rip your arms out sucka" :lol:
Took it for a quick spin today ... not much blow but then the bloody wind shifted right around and was pushing out over the lake - I had great fun trying NOT to scud into the water :lol:

Cheers D-man! :thumbup:

herc - 4-4-2010 at 01:36 AM

you having an 12sqm ACE now? congrats! is it your own, or borrowed ?
want videos videos videos! and put some old ski / snowblades under your feet and ski on sand! its possible !
and maybe try it on the water? if its warm enough! ultimate low wind power has arrived at you !

Kamikuza - 4-4-2010 at 03:24 AM

Picked it up off D-man just before we went to Thailand ... I think D sold himself short cos it was silly cheap and looks brand new - I think I made it dirtier taking it out of the bag than the last time he put it away :lol:

I can believe the skiing on sand! The pull is just relentless - went I thought it'd stop pulling it just kept on hauling! Lo-ooong scuds ... but so hard on the arms! Really need some kind of harness or strop!

dman - 4-4-2010 at 01:19 PM

Glad you like it Kami! I never got the right wind to use all that power without the fear of ending up in Oz and landing on a witch.

herc - 4-4-2010 at 01:24 PM

kami, but you know - now that you own one you must prove the lightwind power of the pansh ace ! you have a gopro, you can surf - so now we want to see a high def video of you surfing that monster in 8-10 knots !!!!

ah and could you maybe weight the 12m ace ? do you have a kitchen scale ? very curious if it is really that light (i got a measurement, but it was unbelievable light, see
would be nice to have corrected / justified this value)

Hardrock - 4-4-2010 at 04:58 PM

We have got to see a video, Kami.

The 7m Ace pulls like a truck, I couldn't imagen what the 12m feels like. Over 10mph wind I get the jitters with the 7m, I would need some kind of pills or something to pick up the handles on that 12m.

Kamikuza - 11-4-2010 at 10:57 PM

Herc - kite, lines, handles all in the stuff bag weighs 2.6kg ... kitchen scales stop at 2kg but both bathroom scales give near enough the same - 2.6kg was from the digital ones, the analog gauge read about the same.

Had a second play with it in almost non-existent winds on a grass field, but used my back-strap ... much nicer to fly! Mad power though ...!

nocando - 11-4-2010 at 11:25 PM

Hey Kami I have A poleys seat harness that you can have if you want it

Kamikuza - 12-4-2010 at 01:29 AM

Cheers :thumbup: but I got a Dakine seat harness ... I specifically wanted the Ozone climbing-style harness so I could whip it on over my pants and not look like I'm wearing a well-filled diaper on the landboard :lol:
I promised the guy at my local shop that I'd get it from him so I could always get it (or try to get it!) from the US but ... well, I promised.

herc - 12-4-2010 at 01:41 AM

Ozone climbing-style harness

any informations on that ? a link ? a picture? sounds interesting!

@kami: thanks for weighting. but - kite only ( just the kite with bridles, no lines, handles, bag) would be very interesting for my list. but your weight - 2.6kg - already confirmes that the pansh 12sqm is indeed quite lightweight! -- see the list here: http://www.kiteforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2360753

also look at those nasawings - they are champ regarding weight.. i so much want a 16 or 19sqm nasawing for ultralightwind experiments ...

Kamikuza - 12-4-2010 at 01:49 AM

It's just the Ozone Access XT snowboarding blah-blah harness .... couldn't be bothered typing out the whole name :lol:

No worries ... I parapack so don't want to pull it all out :lol: The handles are pretty light though, being aluminum and not much else ...

rocfighter - 12-4-2010 at 04:08 AM

Kami do you wind your lines or daisy chain/braid them? I always break it all down with my 5m Ace.
At 200lbs I think the 12m would kill me!!! The 5m pulls hard enouph!

Kamikuza - 12-4-2010 at 05:47 AM

I couldn't figure out how to do daisy chaining, despite it being explained slowly and carefully ... and in a loud voice :lol: I just stuff the lines in my bags, usually down the back then the handles in down the front.

rocfighter - 12-4-2010 at 05:53 AM

So you don't crochet either I guess!! ;)

Kamikuza - 12-4-2010 at 06:00 AM

Oh! THAT'S what you're talking about! Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Use the right jargon #@%$#!es :lol:

rocfighter - 12-4-2010 at 12:32 PM

I am sooo very sorry for using the wrong slang crap words:tumble:
So do you know how to do that? Or are you just being a be-otch about it? :bouncy:

Hardrock - 12-4-2010 at 01:01 PM

LOL you guys crack me up.

I like to do what Kami does and cram them in the bag. I think its called para packing. Get you in the wind quick but you can't take out the kite anywhere without laying out the lines first.

rocfighter - 12-4-2010 at 02:21 PM

Yeah I still wind mine but I want to try the daisey chain/crochet/bea-otchy thing. I do it with all of my large display kites like the Suttons and sled lifter stuff. But the bridles on those are less then 30 feet not 20m flying lines.

Kamikuza - 12-4-2010 at 06:34 PM

Yeah I think I know what you're talking about and nah I haven't yet and probably won't try it cos it just sounds like extra work :lol: