Power Kite Forum

trainer kite excitement

frefel - 4-4-2010 at 10:51 PM

Today was a wakeup call for me. Predicted 18-24 knt. southerly winds, gusty on arrival at the soccer field for some mountainboarding, tried my 4.0m Scout but decided it was not safe (not depowerable) so I opted for my 1.5m 2-line trainer kite. No danger there, right? Should be able to fly it in a tornado. Long story short: After about 10 minutes of off and on flying, without a warning, I got yanked off my feet, somehow unhooked but was dragged uncontrollably by my leash behind a spinning but fully powered-up monster until (thank God) the kite got stopped by a fence.This happened without the kite even dropping our of the sky and repowering. A first for me. Scary!

The problem: Being a "simple" trainer kite it has a bar with the 2 lines coming from connections near the bar ends. No place to attach a leash so I hooked mine to the left bar end line thinking that if I let go the length of the bar would be sufficient to play out that amount of right line and depower the kite. WRONG. (I could have let the kite go but that didn't seem like a good idea at the time.)

Now I am going to add some line extensions to the bar ends so I can make a leash connection farther away from the bar to allow the kite to flag-out more.

Moral: Don't underestimate the potential power of a tiny kite.

Kamikuza - 5-4-2010 at 01:26 AM

Yeah I got a 2.3m 2-line kite for the wife thinking it'd be easy for her to learn to fly and I could use it when the wind got mental ... but then decided that only 2-lines is not a good idea :no:
But you're right - respect the kite :yes:

nocando - 5-4-2010 at 01:42 AM

Hey Kami I recently bought a Libra bora 2.4 from a PKF member, is a little beauty, was out today.

A friends 10 yo daughter had it dancing all over the sky, maybe worth some thought

Have flown it from the bug, had enough pull

Kamikuza - 5-4-2010 at 01:50 AM

I got a 3.5 Cult for the high wind purpose ... perfect so far :) I'm somewhat larger than the 10 year old and need the power :lol: if there's too much wind for the Cult then I'll pull out the Kitewing. If there's too much wind for that - everyone should be in a bunker, I reckon ...

nocando - 5-4-2010 at 02:18 AM
