Made some bridles to stack my Revolution kites, so figure a trip to the beach is in order. Revs are such cool kites... and stacked just sounds even
So why not try the PL's. Have a pair of 10m Scorpions to play with. Figure I'll make some lines up and give it a try. Just wondering with the
VPC if I should put knots on the lower attachment point for the upper kite and then larkshead it together with the lower kite's attachment point.
ANyone else stack there PL's with the VPC setup have any pointers?revpaul - 7-4-2010 at 07:50 PM
little O.T.
i flew a 6 stack of Rev II long before i flew dedicated power/traction kite(s). lots of grunt...:frog:
i have a Shockwave and bought another to stack. never did it though.PHREERIDER - 8-4-2010 at 05:10 AM
we'll figure it out @ JIBE
super charged stack 10/12 or 12/15. top kite has to be detuned a little
maybe all 10/12/15
but i'm hoping the wind will be good, right !.. SAT am would be a good time before heavier breeze comes in.Taper123 - 8-4-2010 at 06:52 AM
I'll make up a couple different length pigtails for the upper kite's rear lines. Figure if it's a little less power'd up than the lower one... it
should always be a "follower".PHREERIDER - 8-4-2010 at 07:56 AM
"ALL AS ONE" no leader, no follower
just "ONE"krumly - 8-4-2010 at 07:08 PM
Chris Krug's 'Hardwater Kiter' blog has an entry on a recent experiment stacking Chargers:
Finally tried this out over the weekend... but without success. Tried a 10/16 and 10/10 Scorpion combo.
No matter the combo, the lower kite would always want to flatten out and bowtie, especially in turns, while the upper one would do fine (even though
the 16 was slower.... it'd catch up and distort the 10). Tried one time to attach the upper kite to where the VPC end points are at the kite, and on
that attempt both kites made it to the top... then the lower one did the bowtie. Was using 7m extensions, all equal lengths.
Read on one PL kite setup site where it recommends slightly extending hte rear lines to the above kites if they are
distorting the lower kite... Then again, it also said that too long of extensions made the stacks unstable.
Something to think about, since I didn't bring any extra line to play with on this attempt.... and it gave some amusement to those at our local
Cinco de Mayo event. To extend or shorten... either way I had fun:bouncy:macboy - 9-5-2010 at 09:45 PM
I looked into this a while back and it seems to me you want the top kite to actually be a bit MORE powered than the bottom (and each successive top
kite moreso). Unless I misunderstood something. I think it was something to the tune of 2-5 inch shorter rear extensions than the fronts? I'll see if
I can dig up the post but my search skills aren't the best on here.macboy - 9-5-2010 at 09:49 PM
No dice - couldn't find the exact post (so I might have been wrong or it might have been info via U2U). I did find that it appears Phree is the guy to
go to for the know-how. Dying to hear how things go - I still haven't found the opportunity/kahonies to give it a whirl.acampbell - 10-5-2010 at 07:52 AM
Pics of PHREE stacking Venoms at first JIBE here....
Man! Stacking kites is COOL bobalooie57 - 10-5-2010 at 10:40 AM
They're looking at me!
Phantom Stack
AD72 - 24-10-2010 at 10:20 AM
Here is a video of a Phantom 9 stacked on a Phantom 12 Flexiblade and I setup at SOBB. Flexiblade is flying. We tried 12 on top but the faster 9
kept flying forward out of formation. It needed some tweaking to keep it flying though by pulling on the front lines.
RonH - 24-10-2010 at 04:17 PM
Stacking REVs is easy... The last kite in the stack needs slightly shorter bottom lines to keep the tension on the whole stack.
Not sure if this applies to twinskins too.PHREERIDER - 25-10-2010 at 05:35 AM
9 on top ! coolawindofchange - 25-10-2010 at 11:43 PM
I have a couple of Rev stacks. Here's my custom 8 stack of 1.5's.