Craig Sparkes - 8-4-2010 at 10:05 AM
Well what can I say!
Where do I begin, Just want to say a massive thanks to everyone at the Pre-Event, NABX event and after event!
Dean - Well for just being dean haha! Nah for putting on an amazing event, it really is an amazing event!
Corey - Transporting us around at start of trip! Allowing us to send gear to shop to store!
Gee - Cooking at Pre Event and being the funny man!
Blake - The paramotor traing & filming, looking after us & showing as a good night out in Vegas
Olivia - Taking us into Vegas & Driving, sorry about the Drunkness of us!
The Browns - Again looking after us lot supplying food at the Pre- Event & taking our spare tyres for next year!
Daren & Susan - First beer at pre event and taking wheels for next event!
Chefs - Cooking some amazing food on the Playa during the event!
Rob Vreeland - Taking some top notch pictures, and helping with the moving of a certain black car haha!!
Fred & Piper - Transporting us & gear, putting us up and taking us to airport, really appreciated!
To all those who got involved with the M.i.n.e game! Respect!
I think I've got most people, still pretty jet lagged so if i have forgotten anyone appoligies!