nickwilliams99 - 11-4-2010 at 01:24 PM
Hey all,
I have recently got into kites , bought one about 6 months ago (only 2 meter - 2 line), but have been having a lot of fun with it.
However, now i want to look at doing something like land boarding, i weigh 240lbs (a lot i know lol) im not fat though, just stupidly tall. Anyways.
I am looking for a kite that will be able to lift me and pull a board, and something i can learn with relativly easily.
Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe a 7-8 meter / 3-4 line kite to start with and see how it goes?
Help would be appreciated
nickwilliams99 - 11-4-2010 at 01:52 PM
I was thinking about :
looks impressive
highazakite - 11-4-2010 at 04:25 PM
Also new here as well, hiya. At 240 you would need a bit of wind to get a 7-8 to do good jumping on a land board from what ive gathered, not to get
off the ground mind you to get back down soft.
Any one who knows better feel free to add or tell me im not correct. On the other hand a 7-8 would be a good place to start for ease of learning as it
would be responsive and a fairly large wind range not to mention less pain when it tries to spank you.
ah well 2 cents from a fellow just starting out.
welcome, this place has many people who try real hard to help and guide in the right directions.
rocfighter - 11-4-2010 at 04:49 PM
Welcome to the fun of this world.
It would depend on the the kite realy. I am about 200 and I have a 2.2 that will lift me. I have a 5ace that will carry me away. But I am not into
that, I'm into buggies. So I can't realy help with what one to buy. YOu can wait here and see who answers or go to Kites and Excesseries and ask
there too.
Good luck and watch your ancles and wrists!
Bladerunner - 11-4-2010 at 04:50 PM
The Blurr is a low lift traction kite. Prefered by buggy riders who wish to stay earthbound. For lift in Flexifoil you want the Blade.
Other kites that suit your wishes new are. Peter Lynn Twister II and HQ Crossfire.
These are Fixed Bridle kites best flown on handles. ATB riders tend to end up prefering Depower kites. They are a different animal.
For them new you want to look at. Hq Neo or Montana. Ozone Frenzy. Peter Lynn Charger. Flysurfer Outlaw or Pulse II. ........
flash - 11-4-2010 at 06:09 PM
For your size and assuming you will be on grass (and have steady winds) you wouldn't be bad off with a 7m with LITTLE TO NO loft as your first real
kite. (4 line to a bar) I say this as an experienced land boarder and snow kiter who has dabbled in all of the other traction sports. Now please take
the following with a bit of humor, I only speak from having eaten enough grass and gravel that I wonder if I am really a cow. There is something
about stepping into a landboard that makes you stupid. You forget all of your kite skills and will eat grass more often then when you were a little
kid. I definitely suggest that unless you can fly your kite perfectly blind or blindfolded, don't worry about the jumping aspect yet. I made this
mistake and almost left the sport, and sadly have seen many do the same thing after me.
Choose a kite that isn't super fast or overly responsive and pick something that moves relatively slowly and if it does loft you, it will kinda come
down slowly like Mary Poppins. I have to agree and disagree with bladerunner on his post (sorry ) If you feel confident in your flying skills of a true foil (not a 2-line stunt foil or a trainer) then go with
something like the Blade, however spend LOTS of time flying it before ever stepping onto the board. Oh and ride your board before flying it with the
kite. I have flown a Crossfire (diff sizes) on both my landboard and my ski's... then had a chance to fly it while at NABX. It is definitely better
suited to being a buggy engine, not bad for landboarding, but there is better. I do agree with him however that yes, landboarders tend to prefer
depowerable (bar, trim straps etc...) and I highly suggest that you go down that route. Very few people fly handles while on a landboard, and for
good reason. Especially if you want to get into jumping. (I started that way, but have since changed over and never looked back.... kinda....
remember the crossfire?)
I haven't flown all of the Ozone or Flexifoil line, so can't help you there. But from my experience I would suggest something along the lines of an
HQ Apex II 7.5m (if you are less confident in your skills) or even the Montana V 9.5 (a little more confident).
You have come to the right place everyone here is good about helping.
By the way, where are you at? I do a lot of travel and will be all over doing kite festivals and have a pretty full quiver that if you want to use
any of them, you are more then welcome to. Or if you want someone to ride a landboard with... Only as long as you promise me a cold beer afterwards.