Power Kite Forum

Pansch Ace 6m

XdisasterXdrewX - 13-4-2010 at 06:43 PM

I finally took the step from using my 4m Legend to using my 6m Ace. It was probably 10-12mph (I have no idea thats just a guess) out and i decided to switch the lines and get out the Ace.

Everyone on here was telling me that the Ace "needed respect" so i was kind of scared that this thing was gonna be whipping me around and I was gonna get hurt. But i had plenty of people there just in case i got in trouble (or the wind dragged me too close to the power lines).

It was actually SO much better for doing jumps. I was extremely surprised when i did my first jump because ive been using the 4m sense january when i first got it, so ive been used to getting like 3ft jumps and like 5ft distance with like 2 seconds in the air.

With the Ace I was getting that with half the effort that i was putting into the Legend and my breaks were even still a little tight. (too lazy to adjust them)

I just wanted to post something because I had a really fun day today.

Also, why was everyone telling me that the kite needed respect? I'm sure ill eventually learn when the wind picks up to like 18mph gusts and i get carried into the power lines.
(Dont worry, i'll be on the news) :P

stetson05 - 13-4-2010 at 08:50 PM

Each kite made by pansh seems to be a little different. my 3m legend has about the same lift as my friend's 4.5 legend. Seems like my legend is more like an ace but it is for sure a legend. good luck and be safe

rocfighter - 14-4-2010 at 05:03 AM

When you hit the power lines write to us about it. Untill then "STAY AWAY FROM THEM" :D
That was my fatherly voice!!

Bladerunner - 14-4-2010 at 05:24 AM


Everyone on here was telling me that the Ace "needed respect" so i was kind of scared that this thing was gonna be whipping me around and I was gonna get hurt. But i had plenty of people there just in case i got in trouble (or the wind dragged me too close to the power lines).

with the Ace I was getting that with half the effort that i was putting into the Legend and my breaks were even still a little tight. (too lazy to adjust them)

Also, why was everyone telling me that the kite needed respect? :P

I think you answered your own question. 1/2 the effort + unexpected gust ............

f0rgiv3n - 14-4-2010 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by XdisasterXdrewX
Also, why was everyone telling me that the kite needed respect?

Don't scoff at the ace... it'll come back and bite you in the ass. My reasoning behind it is because this kite has no "cushion" between you and the power of the wind. One gust if wind and you'll feel it. I owned my 5m ace for a couple years and had plenty of jumps on it. I also had PLENTY of not planned jumps.

Also, telling people who don't have experience that the ace is nothing to worry about, is flat out a lie. I could go on and tell stories of injuries, and post a video of someone being lofted 25 feet and falling into a crumpled pile on the hard ground but I'm sure you've seen it all already.

that's why the ace requires respect. :)

Drewculous - 14-4-2010 at 11:43 AM

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oveLq6j4JUw )
this is why everyone tells ya, lol!

get a dome cover if ya havent!

:::This can be any kite tho, not just pansh:::

XdisasterXdrewX - 14-4-2010 at 01:38 PM

Yeah ill make sure that you guys are the first people i tell... when im in heaven.

Thanks for that, I think ill sell all my kites and start working on making kiting illegal. :P

I'm definitely going to start wearing a helmet.

rocfighter - 14-4-2010 at 05:03 PM

Just keep the x's in your name and not your kiting.