Power Kite Forum

rev power blast 4-8

newtokiting - 16-4-2010 at 05:38 PM

has anyone used this for buggying? hows the upwind performance? how bout for tricks and just plain getting pulled a bit for static flying? and how touchy are the controls? i have an exp and it hardly takes any movement to do all kinds of tricks.......

Hardrock - 16-4-2010 at 06:16 PM

would like to try one, but have no expereance on them.

bigkid - 16-4-2010 at 06:23 PM

I sold one to Kamikuza, where are you Kami?

bobalooie57 - 16-4-2010 at 06:34 PM

ManKami, you can come camp in my garden on your US tour if you brang 1/4 of your kit!:eekdrull:

Kamikuza - 16-4-2010 at 06:36 PM

Was sleeping ... am in Japan you know :lol:

Not as nimble as the 1.5 SLE I got but still does the spins, hovers and slides etc - but it's a who-ooooole lot of kite to hang on to.
The controls are a little different - I found you had to sort of find a point of balance your hands, cos if you try to haul on the brakes like a foil or normal Rev, your forearms will explode. And you mostly turn like a foil, with pull/push turns.

Super-good in light winds - haul me around no worries. Have yet to get on the board with one though, just haven't gotten around to it.

newtokiting - 16-4-2010 at 08:08 PM

thanks, im thinking of getting one--nice change of pace for the buggy

Kamikuza - 16-4-2010 at 08:15 PM

If you can get one for a good price, get one. I got a super-bargain on mine (thanks BK!) and it's a hoot.

Oh, forgot to add - they dump power real quick too. Cos they're basically a solid wing, you can't jump with them. But that means you can dump the power like instantly :D

newtokiting - 16-4-2010 at 08:18 PM

yeah,being able to dump all or part of the power was one of the main attractions for me--sort of like a depower,but not strapped in.......

BigMikesKites - 16-4-2010 at 08:20 PM

I've got the blast which is a tamer version, but still plenty of pull. I don't think you will go wrong with a Rev.

DAKITEZ - 16-4-2010 at 09:26 PM

very few people buggy with these power blasts, but the few I have seen do really well with them. Don't think I ever saw anyone buggying with a 4-8 though. All on 2-4's. Very technical kite ... no relaxing with this kite.

The 4-8 might be hard to find. Rev doesn't even include it on their dealers pricing. I think they have been a special order for a couple years now.

Its always good to try something different :thumbup:

bigkid - 16-4-2010 at 10:58 PM

I tried to order one a few months ago and they don't have them anymore, not sure if they quit making them or they were out of stock. Hard to believe they were out of stock.

awindofchange - 17-4-2010 at 01:11 AM

They are still available and we have them in stock. Awesome kite but as said, somewhat technical to fly. Its nothing like the 1.5 and man does it put out the power! I buggy with mine quite a bit when the winds are nearly zero. On the lake bed you can use the 4-8 to buggy with in winds as low as 3 mph. It dumps power in a split second and cuts upwind just about as good or better than the highest aspect race foils. It is easiest to fly them in the buggy - flying static the kite shoots out to the edge so fast it can be a handful!!! As said above, the power is real touchy and you have to rock your handles back an forth to get the sweet spot, takes a bit to really dial this kite in but once you do it is awesome. It is only 4 sq. meter but puts out the power of an 8m foil (hence the 4-8 name).

Kamikuza - 17-4-2010 at 02:39 AM

... and no harnesses :evil:

newtokiting - 17-4-2010 at 07:50 AM

it would be nice for those calm summer days

Kamikuza - 17-4-2010 at 08:01 AM

We'll see what the wind is like tomorrow, I might pull finger out of arse and make a few movies ...