Power Kite Forum

Blading with a 13m Frenzy

thanson2001ok - 21-4-2010 at 09:50 AM

Finally got my 13m Frenzy and 11m Access and headed out this afternoon to play with them on my Coyotes.

What's the max wind you would try the 13m in? (Trying not to jump until I really intend to.)

To date, I have flown my 5m and 7.5m Frenzy's on skis and skates and have them pretty well under control.

Bladerunner - 22-4-2010 at 05:25 AM

Using my old 13m Psycho 3 as background I might guess . 6mph ( or less, as soon as it flies ) to about 12 ?? Maybe more once you get confident. 8 - 10 will probably be the sweet zone.