Power Kite Forum

Quad Line (Handles) No tangles

teelzy - 22-4-2010 at 09:45 AM

I have found that I would rather pay attention to the wind and my surroundings than making sure I wrap my lines "precisely". I got tired of having to untangle my lines when I wrapped all four together as seen in the video below


I decided to try something different.

1) Connect upper and lower left lines with larks head knots. At one end top to bottom, and at the other, bottom to top. (After removing lines from kite and handles)
2) Repeat step 1 for right lines.
3) Fold kite and pack it up.
4) Wrap left lines as you would normally wrap your lines. (I hook one end on the slits in the line holder and then wrap length-wise)
5) Use a rubber band/elastic band around the left lines. Make sure that your lines are held in place tightly.
6) Repeat step 4 for right lines, wrapping on top of the left lines.
7) Wrap another rubber band/elastic band around all of the lines now. (I use a single elastic band with a knot in the middle. I wrap one half around the left lines, tie a knot, then wrap the right lines. After I wrap the right lines I tie the other end of the elastic band around all of the lines)
*Note* Make sure that the ends are tied down so that they don't get caught on anything or twist

I have found that this works very well for me. When it comes time to set up I simply unwrap the right lines and make sure they aren't tangled (they may have a couple twists but it is easy to walk the twists out), I then do the same for the left lines. I disconnect the larks head knots and put the lines onto the handles then the kite. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes and hasn't been a hassle for me yet.

I can put up pictures if anyone cares to see the steps.
Let me know if you have tried this and if you like it.

arkay - 22-4-2010 at 09:57 AM

This is similar to the line savers that people are using, there was a thread on this a month ago or so; bu here instead of using a plastic piece or tube + zip ties he's using the kite line itself.

But the question here is do you really have to detatch your lines? I think there are are much simpler/faster methods for packing, but I won't judge ;) The trick with this, or really any, packing method is to exactly reverse what you do. No matter what packing method you use, if you exactly reverse it to setup then you will never have tangles. With whatever packing method you use, practice getting that reverse, that's the key.

DAKITEZ - 22-4-2010 at 09:59 AM

is this a pack up for a rev or foil?

I assume rev, because most all foil pilots do not disconnect the lines

acampbell - 22-4-2010 at 10:03 AM

Ummmm, uh uh.
Unless you are flying a Rev, then john's method is good

Most flying foils do not disconnect the lines.

Leave them connected and they cannot get tangled.

Fold the ki9te tips to center, then again and again until you fold the halves over and the result is about as wide as the handles are long. Put a weight on the trailing edge to keep the wind out (water bottle).

Back to handles and wind the lines around them (i use figure 8). when you get to the kite, replace the weight with the handles and roll up.

Do it all in reverse when you set up. Never a tangle/ twist (well maybe one twist if you move the handles around between sessions)

dylanj423 - 22-4-2010 at 10:10 AM

the method i use is a figure 8 around the handles with the kite killers as "anchors" for the line... i never disconnect... can unwrap and launch with no tangles in less than a minute

teelzy - 22-4-2010 at 10:11 AM

I do this for my foil. I disconnect because I prefer to let my kite sit in the bath tub after flying on wet ground/with any moisture in the air. Also this will allow me to swap lines easily once I get more kites (once I get paid next I'll be getting another!). Also, as far as kite lines are concerned I am a bit of a neat freak. I like when the kite is folded nicely, the lines are wrapped nicely and looking pretty, and I can fit everything just where I like in my bag.

Of course this is just what works for me, but I figured I'd post my "technique" in case anyone was like me. The biggest thing for me though is that I hang my kite in the tub after flying most of the time.

BeamerBob - 22-4-2010 at 10:25 AM

Wait till you end up with a 19m arc that's 35 feet long! You'll still be disconnecting lines but the bathtub is gonna get crowded. :shocked2::smilegrin:

teelzy - 22-4-2010 at 10:37 AM

Lol, it'll be hanging in the garage or on the deck!

revpaul - 22-4-2010 at 10:45 AM

right. except for Rev i do not discon. lines
I do remember to use same hands to wind/unwind lines.
ie. winding up-i hold handles in left hand with top of handles to top. i wind lines (figure 8 or not) on with right hand.
un-winding-i hold handles in left hand with top of handles to top. i unwind lines with right hand.
sometimes i will simply wrap lines around the kite using this method. i put the wrap un upper half of kite(roll) so i know what is top when i pull kite of of bag.
this all works great until someone else is nice and does ya a favor by putting away your kite or you get a kite from Rip :singing:

teelzy - 22-4-2010 at 12:41 PM

I'll have to try keeping it all connected a couple times, but I do still like how neat and tidy it all looks haha

EDIT: I'm going to have an hour and a half break between classes today so I may just have to go try out wrapping the lines in different ways.

acampbell - 22-4-2010 at 02:02 PM

I wind like this....

Wind4-1.jpg - 42kB

Hardrock - 22-4-2010 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Wait till you end up with a 19m arc that's 35 feet long! You'll still be disconnecting lines but the bathtub is gonna get crowded. :shocked2::smilegrin:

Man, what to do with a kite like that. Mine is standing in the corner in a sausage sack. Six feet tall. I have a Synergy bag but the sausage thing is just easy.

The rest of the kites are para packed. Love it, pull the handles and walk with the bag.

Kamikuza - 22-4-2010 at 03:59 PM

There's a little trick or secret to make parapacking the easiest though ... but I gotta go to work - will fill in in a minute

Kamikuza - 22-4-2010 at 05:17 PM

Ok here goes ...

Dunno how you guys do it but when I pack the kite, I land it, stand behind it then pick it up and shuffle forward, so my body gets wrapped by the center section; walk up to the bridle knots when the lines are attached then pick them all up and secure them in the velcro tags at the leading edge. Fold the wing tips into the center, then fold it up as small as I can before putting it on the ground.

Hopefully, 99% of the bridle is inside the kite and you have a long sausage thing with the lines emerging from the trailing edge in the center. I then roll the kite up as narrow as I can (usually about 1 foot or so) and here comes the magic ...

... I fold the kite in thirds to keep it flat. You can either fold the trailing edge up first or the leading edge down first, but whatever you do, make sure you keep the lines poking out the bottom and together.

When you put the kite in the bag, make sure the lines are bottom-most so they come up from the bottom of the bag and out the top. Now, when you parapack, the lines won't keep popping back out :smug:

Drewculous - 23-4-2010 at 12:52 PM

mad mspaint skills angus!

that's my method too... unless i do something stupid... i have no tangles

windpoacher - 23-4-2010 at 05:11 PM

:eureka: I disconnect the lines on the REV. But never with the foils, figure 8 the lines, roll the kite,in the bag and gone, then OUT of the the bag, unwind the lines, unfold the kite , music on, and flying:Ange09: less than 3 min.:shocked2:

teelzy - 24-4-2010 at 11:49 AM

I ended up going out after my classes and did some messing around with wrapping the lines while the wind was dead. The figure 8 was awesome. Very quick setup and take down. I'm glad I posted my slow and lame way haha. Very good descriptions all, especially the ms-masterpiece. If the wind picks up a little bit I'm going to go enjoy the sun and hope another cloud doesn't fly over. Last one dumped for a couple minutes but then it was completely gone.