Power Kite Forum


janny1988 - 24-4-2010 at 04:34 AM

DLF IPL Will Wins RKL Thay Are Best

WELDNGOD - 24-4-2010 at 05:17 AM


Maven454 - 24-4-2010 at 05:20 AM

I'd say it's spam... but I honestly have no idea what it's trying to say.

WELDNGOD - 24-4-2010 at 05:26 AM

it must be jonesbands retarded brother

bobalooie57 - 24-4-2010 at 05:30 AM


Drewculous - 24-4-2010 at 01:55 PM

hell no!!!

DLK IPJ Bill wins RKL!!! They are best!!!

suck it!


indigo_wolf - 24-4-2010 at 06:08 PM

DLP is a building consortium in India... corporate owner/sponser..

IPL -Indian Premier League... cricket.

RKL? NFC.... maybe Rich Kids on LSD.
